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Burkina Faso

Ibrahim Traoré

Date of Birth: 1988
Place of Birth: Bondokuy, Burkina Faso

Displaying 1-10 out of 18 results.

A hunter in aviation

But instead of saving West Africa's oldest airline the junta of Captain Ibrahim Traoré had other plans...

The juntas dig in as instability worsens

The standing of Burkina Faso's transitional leader Captain Ibrahim Traoré who seized power in September has hit a new low...

These were earmarked both for operations to tackle the Katiba Hanifa and to protect Captain Ibrahim Traoré from dissident elements in the Burkina military...

Junta press-gangs the press

Rasmané Zinaba and Bassirou Badjo youth leaders in the pro-democracy movement Balai Citoyen (Citizen Sweep) were abducted on 20 February and 21 February respectively by unidentified agents continuing a pattern of targeted actions against anyone deemed critical of the military junta led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré...

Juntas in shock split from Ecowas

Burkina's leader Captain Ibrahim Traoré was guest of honour at July's St Petersburg Russia-Africa summit and the monitoring group All Eyes on Wagner has reported a steady trickle of bilateral military visits between Moscow and Ouagadougou ever since (Dispatches 17/10/23 Junta is latest to sign Russian nuclear pact)...


What hope for the juntas' promised elections?

The regime's self-confidence will be felt more widely across the Sahel encouraging Burkina Faso's junta leader Captain Ibrahim Traoré and General Abdourahamane Tiani's Conseil national pour la sauvegarde de la patrie (CNSP) in Niger (AC Vol 64 No 17 General Tiani opens the bidding)...

Putsch or purge?

The announcement came just days before the first anniversary of Captain Ibrahim Traoré's coup that removed fellow putschist Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba now in exile in Togo (AC Vol 63 No 20 Palace coup could usher in Moscow's mercenaries)...

Junta leader banks on autocracy

Military junta leader Captain Ibrahim Traoré is setting out his programme for victory in the war against militant jihadists who have taken 40% of the country killed thousands and caused 2...

Press ganged to join the volunteers The recruitment of a visually impaired civil society activist into the ranks of the government-sponsored Volontaires pour la défense de la patrie (VDPs) militia in Kaya is seen by many as representative of junta leader Capt Ibrahim Traoré's authoritarian style...

Displaying 1-10 out of 18 results.