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Displaying 31-40 out of 642 results.

Cave-in hits bitcoin miners

Up to 60 Chinese nationals, along with an undisclosed number of Libyans, were arrested in western Libya last month when police discovered major illegal Bitcoin-mining operations.

Cairo's gas export boom hits obstacles

With Europe's sanctions on Russian gas, Cairo has been boosting LNG exports to fill the gap but questions are mounting about sustainability

Increased revenue from exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) have been a rare bright spot in Egypt's otherwise dismal economic performance over the past two years. The government ...

Coastguard in the dock

European Union backing for Libyan authorities who stop and detain migrants means the bloc has 'aided and abetted' rights violations against migrants, according to Chaloka Beyani, t...

El Sisi's grip weakens as economic pressures mount

With the economy back in crisis, discontent among civilians and the president's military base is rising

When General Abdel Fattah el Sisi seized power almost ten years ago, he promised to bring security and stability to Egypt, while setting the economy on a sustainable course and rai...

Saïed's racial crackdown deepens economic woes

Tunisia's president is locking up political opponents and inciting racist violence, as the country's economy plunges into further chaos

President Kaïs Saïed is making good on his 28 December promise to crack down on what he calls 'the enemies of Tunisia'. In the past few weeks, he has imprisoned political...

How El Sisi lost the cold war over water

Closer ties between Addis Ababa and Khartoum sideline Cairo's position on the Nile dam

Egypt, a key player in the Nile Basin, is watching with alarm as the recent rapprochement between Sudan and Ethiopia undercuts its leverage over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam...

Energy drives Italy's turn to Libya

Rome desperately needs North Africa's gas and is making  commercial and political investments in Libya

Italy has already replaced Russia as its main supplier of gas, which is transforming its strategic relationship with North Africa, especially Algeria, Libya and Egypt. Rome intends...

Qatargate fuels Rabat's schism with Euro MPs

Relations between the European Parliament and Morocco are nosediving, jeopardising agreements on trade, energy and migration

The fall-out from the Qatargate scandal is tarnishing both the European Parliament, the European Union's legislature, and Morocco's security services. It will also complicate effor...

Low turn-out saps Saïed

Pressure on President Kaïs Saïed to step down is mounting after a series of political reverses and stark evidence of his diminishing popularity, the most recent of which ...

Displaying 31-40 out of 642 results.