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Displaying 41-50 out of 642 results.

Government by chequebook

Prime Minister Abdel Hamid Dubaiba will use the central bank to shore up his power base and buy off opponents

Elections look unlikely again this year. After the eastern-based House of Representatives (HoR) blamed the failure of the December 2021 presidential elections on Prime Minister Abd...

Devaluation heads a list of tough changes

A year of weak growth and high inflation lies ahead, following a balance of payments crisis that forced the government to seek IMF assistance

Although the impact of the economic crisis has been softened by financial support from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar in the form of deposits and investment, this...

Apathy to greet polling day

The country's biggest union boss has launched a major attack on the president, but voter indifference is widespread

Tunisia's powerful trade union federation has launched its biggest public attack on President Kaïs Saïed's political and economic programme, publicly rejecting the polls ...

Showcase fails to quell rights concerns

Behind Egypt's green boosterism lies a fragile economy and a government anxious to keep the lid on dissent

Hosting the UN COP27 summit in the south Sinai resort of Sharm el Sheikh has given President Abdel Fattah el Sisi an opportunity to highlight Egypt's green energy potential, but he...

Unions and oppositionists warn of a social explosion

Widespread food and fuel shortages are driving anger on the streets as President Saïed focuses on his authoritarian political project

As police clashed with protestors in Tunis over the weekend of 15-16 October, the IMF announced that it had reached provisional agreement with President Kaïs Saïed's gove...

The middle class heads north

Patterns in migration from Tunisia have been changing over the past year as part of a 'surge' in informal migration, according to recent research. Previously informal migration was...

Bashagha bloodied in Tripoli battle

Forces loyal to Tripoli-based premier Dubaiba have tightened their grip on the capital after another failed effort to capture the city

Heavy clashes between rival militias in Tripoli over the weekend of 26/27 August underlined the intractability of the conflict between the two main political protagonists, while cl...

Rabat and Algiers cross swords over UN role

Western Sahara remains in limbo while the two states tussling over it step up guerrilla diplomacy

The latest skirmishes in the long-running struggle between Morocco and Algeria over Western Sahara have drawn in the UN as they exchange fire over allegations of impropriety by the...

Displaying 41-50 out of 642 results.