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Displaying 81-90 out of 2329 results.

    Vol 64 No 21 |
  • MALI

The north challenges Goïta on two fronts

The Sahelian juntas have signed a military alliance as jihadist and separatist groups step up their attacks

As Mali's military regime pursues its drive to reassert central government authority over the Kidal region hitherto dominated by Tuareg former separatists, conflict has spread acro...

Was there a plot against the police chief?

MPs probe claims of a conspiracy to remove the Inspector General of Police ahead of next year’s elections

Police in Accra are on tenterhooks as they wait for a parliamentary committee to conclude its investigations into a leaked audio tape hinting at government plans to oust the Inspec...

Putsch or purge?

On 27 September, the government informed the nation that a conspiracy to overthrow it had been foiled. The announcement came just days before the first anniversary of Captain Ibrah...

Two hands on the levers of power

Faction fighting between members of the old ruling party paralyses government and threatens catastrophe for vital cashew exports

A new government took office in mid-August pledging cohabitação (cohabitation). But the cohabitees– parliament and president – look as divided as ever as ...

Bawumia leads race for NPP ticket

President Akufo-Addo is helping his deputy in the succession campaign despite growing internal dissent

Vice-President Mahamudu Bawumia's landslide victory in the New Patriotic Party's Special Delegates' Conference and the withdrawal of former Trade Minister, Alan Kyerematen, has put...

Seck seeks DC clout

Former Prime Minister Idrissa Seck has beefed up his international lobbying and campaign team by hiring Bruce Fryer, a US advisor for the non-profit Vanguard Africa and Future Pact...

After Tinubu opened Pandora's Box

The President's policy experiments – on subsidies, the naira and the military – have raised questions about his ministerial team

A mass of contradictory signals greeted Bola Ahmed Tinubu's first hundred days in the presidency on 6 September. The day before, the National Labour Congress had called on its memb...

Displaying 81-90 out of 2329 results.