Vol 64 No 20 | SWEDENAID Keeping aid in the family 5th October 2023 Sweden plans to compensate private companies which lost money on contracts with Ukraine because of the war out of its overseas aid budget, Norway's Development Today reports. The c...
Vol 64 No 10 | ECONOMYAFRICAAID Rich countries boost aid – to themselves 11th May 2023 Helping Ukrainian refugees has driven a surge in aid spending – mostly at the expense of hard-hit African economies African states have felt the pain of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in the form of shortages and higher prices for wheat, grain and agricultural inputs, and above all energy prices. ...
DISPATCHES Vol 62 No 24 | OECDAID Rich countries put a price on their delayed vaccine programmes 25th November 2021 After failing to back the IMF's $50 billion vaccine plan, G20 countries are trying to make their aid programmes look more generous Successive attempts to get the rich countries of the G7 and G20 to agree on a plan to vaccinate most of the world against Covid-19 have ended in acrimony this year with the biggest... READ FOR FREE
Vol 61 No 16 | OECDAID From debt to aid 6th August 2020 Members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development said in April that they would 'strive to protect aid budgets' in the wake of Covid-19. Many civil society acti...
Vol 61 No 10 | HEALTHAIDCOVID-19 Whose cure is it anyway? 14th May 2020 Industrialised countries are defending funding research to find a vaccine for Covid-19 out of Official Development Assistance funds against a possible challenge from the Organisati...
Vol 60 No 7 | AID Donors' aid parade 5th April 2019 Official Development Assistance, the UN says, should be around 0.7% of gross national income, but many nations want to include within it items not normally considered 'aid' at all,...
Vol 59 No 8 | AID Cooking the books 20th April 2018 Development aid to the world's poorest countries fell by 0.6% in 2017. That, at least, was the headline figure published on 9 April by the Development Assistance Committee at the P...
Vol 58 No 23 | DEVELOPMENTAID Whose aid is it anyway? 6th November 2017 Britain is leading the charge to redefine aid to include spending on the military and migration controls as well as subsidies to business As Western countries shuffle their aid budgets, their officials are arguing about where the axe should fall and how to maintain diplomatic leverage. Diplomats have worked out that ...
Vol 57 No 25 | DEVELOPMENTAID Gunning for aid 16th December 2016 The European Commission proposes to allow development aid to fund the military in developing countries, though only 'in exceptional circumstances'. This is part of a trend to reduc...
Vol 56 No 22 | AFRICAAID Donors stop donating 6th November 2015 The aid party is over. Industrialised countries are reducing their spending and postponing their promises The message from the United Nations Financing for Development conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia last July could not have been clearer. At the summit, tasked with agreeing on how ...