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news by category: Britain

Found 144 articles.

Displaying 111-120 out of 144 results.

Britain's man in Africa

Britain's Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and International Development Secretary Hilary Benn stay in their posts after the Labour Party's victory in Britain's elections on 5 May but ...

Mea culpa

How will the Blair Commission change British policy?

At the launch of the Commission for Africa report on 11 March, a week after Africa Confidential published an exclusive report on its main findings, British Prime Minister Tony Blai...

Moral choice

Ethically-inclined capitalists faced a tough choice in London on 17 March. Is it to be the Corporate Social Responsibility event at Chatham House backed by the Foreign and Commonwe...

The Blair report - unveiled

The Africa Commission will call on rich countries to double aid budgets and open their markets immediately

Africa Confidential has obtained a copy of a final draft of the Commission for Africa report, due to be launched amid fanfare in London on 11 March 2005 by British Prime Minister T...

Who's spooking who?

Reports that British intelligence is training Sudan government spies raise awkward questions about policy following the 1 February release of a 244-page United Nations report detai...

Clay's feat

Whitehall's envoy breaks with eumphemism and talks straight on graft

British High Commissioner Edward Clay's poetic excursion into corruption busting has sparked an expected political storm. Less predictable has been the rapid unravelling of more co...

Au secours!

Commerce Minister Khalifa Sall amazed British business audiences in Belfast, Glasgow and London by saying he wanted Senegal to be 'saved' from the influence of Paris. More conventi...

Gerald's jeep

Britain's 23 July expulsion of senior Liberian diplomat Gerald Cooper is an early blow to President Charles Taylor's efforts to improve relations with the West.

Out of Africa

Peter Hain's appointment as Britain's Minister of State for Africa is likely to push African concerns a few notches higher up the Whitehall totem pole.

Displaying 111-120 out of 144 results.