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news by category: Britain

Found 144 articles.

Displaying 121-130 out of 144 results.

Diplomacy with attitude

The Labour government's ideas of an ethical foreign policy and activist diplomacy have met their toughest test in Africa's conflicts

British ministers talk boldly of 'militant humanitarianism' and 'defending civilians against terror'. They refer to Kosovo, but some African officials have asked their Western cou...

Whitehall's Africa team

After an eventful two years for politics and personalities, Africa is getting more space

Along with Washington and Paris, London is a key city for Africa specialists in diplomacy, academia and business but they break cover less often than their American and French coun...

Une autre entente II

The entente cordiale on Africa between London and Paris is warming up after Foreign Secretary Robin Cook and his French counterpart Hubert Védrine's double act in Accra and Abidja...

Spinning south

Conflicting reports have emerged about British former Trade and Industry Minister Peter Mandelson’s offer to help the African National Congress 1999 election campaign. The pr...

Une autre entente

It is a reflection of how grave the region’s spiralling conflicts are that Britain and France are now working more closely on Africa policy than at any time since General Charles d...

The long arm

The Pinochet effect persists in Britain with the trial, now expected this March, of a Sudanese doctor who is charged with committing torture and omitting to prevent it in Sudan (AC...

The Pinochet factor

Congo-Kinshasa President Laurent-Désiré Kabila was the first African leader to feel the effects of Britain's landmark ruling that Chilean dictator General Augusto P...

Militias and market forces

Undaunted by Western political opposition and Africa's rebel militias, the private armies are expanding their portfolios

Private military companies are stronger than ever in Africa, six months after the political row over the relations between Sandline and British officials (AC Vol 39 No 11). Yet the...

Short changed

There is a growing rift between Secretary of State for International Development Clare Short and British-based aid agencies which have in recent years become increasingly dependent...

Displaying 121-130 out of 144 results.