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Population: 107.4m
GDP: $205.13bn
Debt: 30.5% of GDP (2024)

news from Ethiopia

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Found 315 articles.

Displaying 231-240 out of 315 results.

The challengers

While no names have yet been put forward, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi's proposals for change have prompted much discussion behind the scenes. Africa Confidential lists the potentia...

Losing the plot

The arrest of 35 members of Ginbot 7 on 24 April, accused of plotting a coup against Prime Minister Meles Zenawi's government, increases the pressure on opposition groups ahead of ...

Good-bye, maybe

Ethiopia's troops are gone and another transitional government is installed but the new order is tenuous

On 25 January, the last Ethiopian troops withdrew, only three weeks later than planned, from Somalia. They had originally intervened in Somalia in December 2006, at the request of ...

Power surge in Addis

The Ethiopian government is launching one of Africa's most ambitious cooperation programmes with China to build several new power stations

Ethiopia has signed contracts with Chinese construction companies to build two huge dams as part of a US$12 billion, 25-year Power Sector Master Plan to harness the country's hyd...

Gurjit Singh

India's Ambassador to Ethiopia (Retired)

Long-serving diplomat Gurjit Singh distinguished himself as one of the most activist ambassadors in Addis Ababa and personally raised the substance and profile of Ethiopia-India ...

Pirates and the lads

Mercenaries, the media and worried looking men in suits are much exercised by the escalating operations of the Somali pirates patrolling the Gulf of Aden in search of booty. In fac...

Bristling border

The United Nations has given up, the parties will not talk and the troops are face to face

The risk of another war between Ethiopia and Eritrea grew on 31 July, when the United Nations Security Council closed its mission along the border, the UN Mission in Ethiopia and ...

Addis plays its diplomatic cards

Ethiopian diplomats are confident of a couple of successes at the United Nations in the coming weeks. The first is over Somalia, where the UN Special Representative Ahmedou Ould Ab...

Ethiopia's options

Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi's government has three options for its Somalia policy, all of them formidably difficult.

That troublesome border

The quarrel between Addis Ababa and Asmara over their common border and the political chaos in Somalia is intensifying. The heat turned up after the Ethiopia Eritrea Boundary Comm...

Displaying 231-240 out of 315 results.