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Population: 37.89m
GDP: $92.12bn
Debt: 70.3% of GDP (2024)

news from Angola

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Found 283 articles.

Displaying 241-250 out of 283 results.

Phone operators

Launched in Lisbon, the Commission for Peace, Justice and Reconciliation in Angola is the latest diplomatic device of the União Nacional para a Independência Total de ...

Not yet endgame

Western support for the MPLA and its war against UNITA is running at an all-time high

The government's military victories have perked up President José Eduardo dos Santos. In fine form for a millennium address to diplomats on 17 January, he wooed investors an...

'Pre-humanitarian' surveillance

Senior Angolan officers say their military intelligence has been much improved by foreign 'commercial agencies'. These officers are far too discreet to say if these commercial agen...


The loss of six zeros from the kwanza reajustado this month will sharply reduce the number of millionaires in Angola.

Battle of Bailundo

The loss of UNITA's headquarters means more politically than militarily

After months of struggle, Angolan government forces have finally driven the rebels out of their headquarters in the Central Highland town of Bailundo, threatening a central symbol ...

Bailing in

Under Western pressure, the IMF and the World Bank are going to help Luanda

Western governments, and Washington in particular, have been pressing the International Monetary Fund to be kind to Angola. They have lined up with the Luanda government's argument...

Ultra-deep dodo

It now seems clear that the almost unknown Swiss-based ProDev, which managed to get a foothold in Elf-Aquitaine's highly prospective ultra-deepwater oil block 32, was hoping to use...

Stolen stones

Government and UNITA soldiers fight for the diamonds - and occasionally share them

As the United Nations struggles to impose sanctions on Angola's rebel diamond-smugglers, the government says it is tightening its chaotic system for certifying the stones. The old ...

The UN tries again

After its spectacular failure, the UN is back - helped by smarter sanctions but facing the same political problems

United Nations' attempts to keep a presence in Angola are being frustrated by the United States Congress. Jonas Savimbi's União Nacional para a Independência Total de ...


Worried about a re-run of its disastrous December offensive, the Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola government is deliberately downplaying its latest military ...

Displaying 241-250 out of 283 results.