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Population: 23.38m
GDP: $11.24bn
Debt: 74.9% of GDP (2024)

news from Malawi

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Found 166 articles.

Displaying 21-30 out of 166 results.

Allies prove a trial for the President

After a year in office the head of state is losing the faith of the public as allies, friends, relations and ministers generate scandal

President Lazarus Chakwera has had a torrid month. He sacked Chikosa Silungwe, the Attorney-General, on 2 August, and two of his most senior aides were arrested by the Anti-Corrupt...

Chakwera loses his lustre

U-turns and misjudgements are damaging the President’s standing with the public as stresses in the ruling coalition mount

As befits a devout evangelist and former pastor, President Lazarus Chakwera promised to lead Malawians 'to Canaan' after winning last year's dramatic election, a re-run of the prev...

By-election bust-up

President Lazarus Chakwera's Malawi Congress Party won a narrow victory over its coalition partner, the United Transformation Movement, in the bitterly contested Karonga Central by...

Stress test for the Tonse Alliance

The ruling coalition parties are fighting each other in by-elections amid the challenges of turning a new page in a time of austerity

Campaigning for the by-election in the northern seat of Karonga Central on Tuesday 10 November has been exposing the widening cracks in the ruling coalition, especially between the...

A shaky start for the new broom

President Chakwera's fight against corruption is popular but concerns are growing about nepotism and schisms in his coalition

The first sixty days of office have not been kind to President Lazarus Chakwera. Swept into office on a wave of campaign promises of clean government and the creation of a million ...

Lazarus rising

Political pluralism gets a boost as the President balances the demands of voters with those of his broad coalition

While former President Peter Mutharika finally packed his bags and sought solace at an official government holiday residence on Lake Malawi, newly elected President Lazarus Chakwer...


Narrow gaps

Malawi's rerun presidential election on 23 June went off relatively peacefully, and early returns as Africa Confidential went to press indicate that President Peter Mutharika has l...

Poll chaos looms

The chances of holding fresh elections in time are dwindling as the President blocks key appointments and confirmation of the poll date

While political parties push ahead with mass campaign rallies – ignoring all social distancing and the ban on gatherings of more than 100 – there is still no confirmed date for pre...

Poll in a plague year

The re-run of the presidential election looked certain to see Mutharika fall, but all bets are off now that political rallies are banned

The new presidential election mandated by the Constitutional Court in February was always going to be bad news for President Peter Mutharika, especially with the new requirement th...

Shock ruling resets poll

The Constitutional Court has nullified the presidential election and re-set the political landscape

The Constitutional Court has ordered a fresh presidential election, saying the Malawi Electoral Commission's (MEC) failure to follow its duties under constitutional and electoral l...

Displaying 21-30 out of 166 results.