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Population: 103.19m
GDP: $72.48bn
Debt: 11.1% of GDP (2024)

news from Congo-Kinshasa

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Found 562 articles.

Displaying 141-150 out of 562 results.

Ponyo plays banker

The Prime Minister has come within an ace of demolishing the fragile public confidence in the banking system

It's been a difficult three months for Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo Mapon. Since his appointment three years ago, he has sought to build a reputation as a...

Kabila delays, Katumbi hovers

Formerly the 'best man not standing', Moïse Katumbi wants to be sure of broad support before declaring for the presidency

As he edges towards announcing that he'll run for president, Moïse Katumbi Chapwe has been sounding out opposition groups about a joint strategy with himself at the head...

New danger in the Kivus

Militia violence is on the rise in the east, as is ethnic tension within the national army 

Most of the two Kivu provinces in Congo-Kinshasa's troubled east are more peaceful than they were, thanks to neither President Paul Kagame of Rwanda nor President Yoweri Museveni...

Katumbi treads a fine line

Critics claim the Katangese billionaire is in cahoots with Kabila but supporters say he wants to stand on his own terms in his own time

Moïse Katumbi Chapwe, the man that opposition politicians hope could unseat President Joseph Kabila, has spoken out against the government announcement that national and presidential elections should be...

The missing coltan princess

Belgian and German police are seeking 'Princess' Odette Maniema Krempin, a key witness in the mysterious disappearance in Kinshasa in May 2014 of Stephan de Witte. He was...

Kabila clouts Katumbi

The President wants to stop potential rivals in their tracks, something that may explain the corruption investigations of major politicians

The President’s Special Advisor for Good Governance, former Justice and Human Rights Minister Emmanuel-Janvier Luzolo Bambi Lessa, has issued a document asking Prosecutor General Flory Kabange Numbi to...

Ivanhoe rides into the elections

A dispute between a Canadian conglomerate and the Mines Ministry points to battles over the coming elections and Chinese cash

Buccaneer mine owner Robert Friedland claims to have discovered the world's biggest undeveloped copper mine at Kamoa, in Congo's Katanga Province. He has also brought in one of...


Talking longer term

Having failed to get Parliament to change the constitution to give him another term in office, President Joseph Kabila launched a new 'political dialogue' on 1 June –...

Displaying 141-150 out of 562 results.