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Population: 16.48m
GDP: $34.41bn
Debt: 98.5% of GDP (2024)

news from Zimbabwe

Category: all

Found 594 articles.

Displaying 181-190 out of 594 results.

The waiting game begins

ZANU-PF restrains its exultation at electoral victory and the MDC its gloom as both contemplate the vast challenges ahead

Opposition reactions after President Robert Mugabe’s re-election and inauguration have lacked drama. Movement for Democratic Change supporters in urban strongholds believe th...

KK cuts a dash

The Movement for Democratic Change’s application to the Constitutional Court to void the elections created uncertainty over the timetable for the inauguration of President Ro...

Inside ZANU-PF's electoral coup

It was a tactical masterclass from Robert Mugabe and his high command. The MDC floundered, hit by trickery, bad planning and split votes

Harare has been eerily quiet since the elections, in shock at the Movement for Democratic Change's disastrous electoral performance. Former Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's trium...

Test for Mugabenomics

ZANU-PF may now relish ruling on its own but it will have to dig very deep for answers to a deteriorating economy

President Robert Mugabe’s victory in the 31 July elections has not settled the uncertainties surrounding Zimbabwe’s political and economic future. It may even have heig...

Fury follows calm elections

Prime Minister Tsvangirai rejects reports of a ZANU-PF victory in the elections, claiming the party had engineered a ‘monumental fraud’

The stage is set for days, perhaps weeks, of confrontation following claims by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and local monitoring groups of extensive rigging in the 31 July elec...

Gono on the spot over oil deals

An investigation by Africa Confidential, The Telegraph and Global Witness has revealed suspicious payments to central bank governor Gideon Gono’s children

The business affairs of the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), Gideon Gono, are back in the headlines since evidence emerged that three of his children had received US...

Rushing and cheating

A tightened election timetable with almost a third of eligible voters missing from the register leaves plenty of space for a nationwide gerrymander

It was uncharacteristically foolish of President Robert Mugabe to fast-track the election date to 31 July, in the face of protests from some in his own party and the opposition, an...

Dress rehearsal vote

The prospects for free, fair and transparent elections on 31 July took another knock with the chaotic ‘special votes’ on 14-15 July. The problems were mainly logistical...

Election fever and finance

Even if ZANU-PF loses the argument over the election date, its business and military backers put it ahead of the MDC

The Constitutional Court will soon announce its decision on granting an extension to the 31 July election date. The Southern African Development Community (SADC) has been pressing ...

Diamond votes

The death in a car accident of Edward Chindori-Chininga, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Mining and Minerals, came within days of its damning report on revenue losse...

Displaying 181-190 out of 594 results.