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Population: 13.37m
GDP: $3.08bn
Debt: 72.7% of GDP (2024)

news from Burundi

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Found 63 articles.

Displaying 51-60 out of 63 results.

Losing a peacemaker

The mediator died just when his services were most needed

The loss of Tanzania's Julius Nyerere on 14 October coincided with a serious worsening of Burundi's internal conflict. Since 18 August, when they made several raids on the capital,...

Nervous tension

Rising violence forces Buyoya to rethink tactics at the Arusha peace talks

There has also been bitter fighting in Bujumbura itself, where about 60 people died on 28 August including, according to the army, 20 of the Hutu rebels who started it. Even the of...

No jogging

Even Bujumbura's early morning groups of joggers are being stopped and searched by gendarmes posted around the city by order of Burundi's ruler, Major Pierre Buyoya (AC Vol 40 No 2...

Ending an embargo

Hopes for peace rise as ethnic politics give way to a new power-sharing deal

International pressure is growing to lift the embargo imposed on Burundi by its neighbours. Until now Tanzania and Uganda have been the main backers of the sanctions which were imp...

Secrets and splits

The main armed opposition, the Conseil National pour la Défense de la Démocratie, has split. On 22 March, its Conseil de Guerre Général Populaire (Popular General War Council) unde...

Conflict irresolution

Support ebbs for the anti-Buyoya embargo as opposition militias go on the offensive

A hotel-keeper at Butare in southern Rwanda, asked in late January about a convoy of trucks bearing number-plates from Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania, replied: ‘C’est l&r...

Mountain death

The Defence Minister’s death on 28 January is a hard blow for regime and army. Colonel Firmin Sinzoyiheba and four others died when their helicopter crashed during a storm in...

Buyoya alone

Repression is not working; the Bujumbura regime is making new enemies

Major Pierre Buyoya has made a few gains. The triumph of Laurent-Désiré Kabila's forces in Zaïre has cut off from its usual bases the main armed opposition to hi...

Balance of terror

With a narrowing support base, Buyoya has to make progress before the embargo bites

The embargo imposed by Burundi's neighbours on 31 July, six days after the coup which put Major Pierre Buyoya back in power (AC Vol 37 Nos 15 & 16), has two aims. These are to ...

Buyoya perhaps

Despite the decision by regional leaders meeting in Arusha on 31 July to impose sanctions on Burundi's new military government until it returns to constitutional rule, internationa...

Displaying 51-60 out of 63 results.