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Robert Gabriel Mugabe

Date of Birth: 21 February 1924
Place of Birth: Zvimba
Died: 6 September 2019

Displaying 151-160 out of 713 results.

KK cuts a dash

The Movement for Democratic Change's application to the Constitutional Court to void the elections created uncertainty over the timetable for the inauguration of President Robert Mugabe and with it any hope that the pageantry could emulate the much-admired rituals of the Vatican or British royalty...

Inside ZANU-PF's electoral coup

Former Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's triumphalist eve-of-poll rally had convinced the capital that a change of regime was at hand so it was unprepared for President Robert Mugabe's win with 61% of the national vote with the Zimbabwe African National Union–Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) taking three quarters of the 210 parliamentary seats...

Test for Mugabenomics

President Robert Mugabe's victory in the 31 July elections has not settled the uncertainties surrounding Zimbabwe's political and economic future...

Tilting at the ANC

Baba Jukwa the title of an anonymous Facebook page claims to be a disillusioned whistleblower from President Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front...

Rushing and cheating

It was uncharacteristically foolish of President Robert Mugabe to fast-track the election date to 31 July in the face of protests from some in his own party and the opposition and pleas from the Southern African Development Community (SADC)...

Dress rehearsal vote

The problems were mainly logistical stemming from President Robert Mugabe's decision to fast-track the election...

Election fever and finance

Meeting in London in late June senior MDC officials announced that they would need at least another US$10 million to take on President Robert Mugabe and the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF)...

Mugabe wins voting day drama

Although it now seems likely that the Constitutional Court will bow to pressure and postpone the election for a few weeks beyond 31 July the beneficiaries of any Court review are still likely to be President Robert Mugabe and his Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF)...

Paying – and fighting – for unity

He was backed by Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe and Egypt’s Mohammed Mursi whose governments earn substantial sums from tourist attractions such as Victoria Falls and the Pyramids...

Displaying 151-160 out of 713 results.