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Robert Gabriel Mugabe

Date of Birth: 21 February 1924
Place of Birth: Zvimba
Died: 6 September 2019

Displaying 161-170 out of 713 results.

A change of register

President Robert Mugabe’s age remains a concern although he has looked perkier in recent months...

How to win friends

That and Lusaka’s love-in with Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe have affected Scott’s hard-won reputation as a brake on the excesses of his superior...

Electoral roll on, roll off

President Robert Mugabe’s chances of holding elections acceptable to the Southern African Development Community before July have been dashed...

A June meddling

President Robert Mugabe is insisting on general elections by 29 June when the present Parliament ends despite the objections of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai...

ZANU-PF wins the referendum

They now have a document that enshrines ZANU-PF's supremacy whatever happens to President Robert Mugabe...

A very British coup

Their script albeit more sophisticated borrows heavily from the nationalist rhetoric of Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe and Côte d’Ivoire’s Laurent Gbagbo (who now faces trial at the ICC after his successor Alassane Dramane Ouattara handed him over)...

Pitfalls ahead for foreigners

Prime Minister David Cameron’s government is conscious also of being accused of hypocrisy if it takes a hardline approach on Kenyatta and Ruto who may yet win a credible election and who remain innocent until proven guilty – while re-engaging with President Robert Mugabe’s government in Zimbabwe in the run-up to the constitutional referendum...

Girding up for the vote

In 2008 the ZEC sat on the election results for six weeks while President Robert Mugabe and his securocrats thought up a survival strategy...

I chose the deputy

Normally President Robert Mugabe shies away from these struggles but he may not be able to depending on the provisions of the new constitution...

A test for the constitutions

After a great deal of brinkmanship President Robert Mugabe conceded in mid-December that elections could not be held before June 2013...

Displaying 161-170 out of 713 results.