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South Africa

Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa

Date of Birth: 17 November 1952
Place of Birth: Johannesburg

Displaying 301-310 out of 487 results.

Investors weigh rescue plan

With the election of President Cyril Ramaphosa in February South Africa experienced waves of 'Ramaphoria' following the hollowing out of the state under President Jacob Zuma and his disaster-prone leadership (AC Vol 59 No 5 Zexit Ramaphoria then political landmines)...

Ramaphosa's advisory panel on land reform Vuyokazi 'Vuyo' Mahlati member of the National Planning Commission and president of the African Farmers' Association of South Africa (chair of panel) Ruth Hall researcher and professor at the University of the Western Cape's Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies Professor Abdus Salam Mohammad Karaan professor in agricultural economics at Stellenbosch University Daniel Kriek Free State commercial livestock farmer and president of AgriSA an umbrella group of farming associations Bulelwa Mabasa attorney with expertise in land restitution and reform Thato Moagi young emerging farmer (aged 27) and entrepreneur Thandi Ngcobo chief executive and founder of the Dr J L Dube Institute for Humanitarian and Development Praxis at the University of KwaZulu-Natal Tembeka Ngcukaitobi advocate public speaker and author whose work for the Legal Resources Centre and Johannesburg Bar spans public law labour law and competition Nick Serfontein chairman of Sernick Group which is cooperating with Ramaphosa; 2016 Free State Farmer of the Year and Mentor of the Year Wandile Sihlobo agricultural economist head of research at the Agricultural Business Chamber independent advisor to Afgrain Food Groups Called to account Opposition leader Mmusi Maimane of the Democratic Alliance has requested confirmation from the Zondo Commission into state capture that the following former and serving state officials be called to testify: Lynne Brown former Energy Minister Jessie Duarte ANC Deputy Secretary-General Arthur Fraser former spy chief/Director-General of the State Security Agency now National Commissioner of Correctional Services Malusi Gigaba former Finance Minister now Minister of Home Affairs David 'DD' Mabuza current Deputy President of the ANC and South Africa David Mahlobo former State Security Minister Gwede Mantashe Chairman of the African National Congress Tom Moyane former head of the South African Revenue Service the national tax collection agency Cyril Ramaphosa current ANC President and President of South Africa David Douglas 'Des' van Rooyen former Minister of Local Government Jacob Zuma former ANC President and President of the Republic of South Africa Mosebenzi Zwane former Minister of Mineral Resources ...

Turning down the volume

It prompted a measured response by South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa arguing in the London Financial Times that his land reform would not 'erode property rights but will ensure that the rights of all South Africans and not just those that currently own land are strengthened'...

Europe discovers Africa, again

Facing heavy weather at home President Cyril Ramaphosa is looking to foreign capitals to boost his country's ailing economy creating jobs and a sense of progress ahead of next year's elections (AC Vol 59 No 11 This land may be your land)...

Backers and attackers

While ex-President Jacob Zuma was close to President Joseph Kabila President Cyril Ramaphosa though preoccupied with domestic political crises was cool towards Kabila staying in power and that could have been an important factor in his decision not to stay on...

The tail that wags the dog

They have lost out badly since Cyril Ramaphosa's victory in ANC elections in December and his subsequent takeover of the state presidency in February...

Polls must be held by August 2019 but some of President Cyril Ramaphosa's supporters in the leadership believe that by then the surge of goodwill that greeted him as he succeeded Jacob Zuma and the campaign against state capture and corruption may be gone...

This land may be your land

President Cyril Ramaphosa's personal approval ratings are at 76% and his handling of the economy has the nod from 82% of South Africans...

Moyane spoiling for a fight

Tom Moyane the controversial former head of the South African Revenue Service (SARS) is pushing back against his suspension by President Cyril Ramaphosa by employing some of the country's best lawyers and trying to turn an unfair dismissal hearing into a trial which puts Ramaphosa in the dock...

Unbowed, Zuma seeks revenge

For ex-President Jacob Zuma and his allies the election of Cyril Ramaphosa as leader of the African National Congress was a serious blow but by no means the end of the matter...

Ace in a hole

The pressure is mounting on Ace Magashule who faces a raft of anti-corruption investigations from his time as Premier of the Free State and widespread questions about his loyalty to new President Cyril Ramaphosa...

'These people are still strong NDZ supporters and… they hold immense power and can undermine the CR [Cyril Ramaphosa] presidency ' a provincial ANC leader said...

Displaying 301-310 out of 487 results.