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John Dramani Mahama

Date of Birth: 29 November 1958
Place of Birth: Damongo, Northern Region, Ghana

Displaying 51-60 out of 130 results.

A turning point vote for the Black Star

The two leading contenders challenger Akufo-Addo and President John Dramani Mahama tried to stand aloof from the mudslinging but their campaign teams showed no such restraint...

Although eligible for at least one four-year term after being appointed by President John Mahama in March he could face pressure for an early exit...


Gambia at the cliff-edge

But she returned on 13 December this time accompanied by Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari President Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone and ex-President John Dramani Mahama who graciously conceded defeat in Ghana's presidential election...

Jobs and corruption dominate election agenda

The other poll from veteran election analyst Ben Ephson predicts a win by less than one percentage point for President John Dramani Mahama...

Voting in an economic storm This will be the last top-level political contest to include both President John Dramani Mahama of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and his main challenger Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP)...


The debt merry-go-round

The opposition New Patriotic Party which negotiated an historic debt reduction deal with the Fund and World Bank when it was in power a decade ago accuses President John Dramani Mahama's government of profligacy and running up unsustainable debts to secure electoral victory...

Budget battles as election race heats up

More warnings came in a World Bank report pointing out that inequalities were growing sharply between the southern rainforest regions and the northern savannah President John Dramani Mahama's base...


A disputed state of the nation

On 25 February a smiling President John Dramani Mahama strolled into Parliament in Accra sporting a well-tailored red blue and white dashiki shirt to deliver a three hour State of the Nation Address...


Power cuts may sway polls

President John Dramani Mahama and his National Democratic Congress (NDC) party have the advantages of incumbency and the considerable executive authority and powers of patronage that come with it under the constitution...

A helping hand from the Washington twins

Smiling broadly and sporting his trademark northern smock on 7 September John Mahama submitted his application in Accra to stand again as the governing party's presidential candidate in next year's election...


The politics of dumsor-dumsor

Worse still for President John Dramani Mahama's government power shortages are increasing amid a torrent of other problems: rising inflation and interest rates falling economic growth and a weakening currency together with the threat of deep cuts in public spending and job losses...

Displaying 51-60 out of 130 results.