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Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron

Date of Birth: 21 December 1977
Place of Birth: Amiens

Displaying 101-110 out of 178 results.

Transition under pressure

A major test of that is coming at the International Conference to Support the Sudanese Transition to be hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris on 17 May...

Emmanuel l'Africain II

If President Emmanuel Macron needed a reminder of his country's reputation in Africa it came with the fury on the streets of Ndjamena to his ill-phrased remarks at the funeral of President Idriss Déby Itno last month...

Total wants new terms

It is likely to raise the temperature of the meeting of Presidents Emmanuel Macron and Filipe Nyusi on 18 May...

Nyusi's breaking point

On 18 May Nyusi is due to meet President Emmanuel Macron in Paris where Total's project and security will lead the agenda...

Regional leaders pay homage to Déby at funeral summit

French President Emmanuel Macron and his Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian landed in Ndjamena on 22 April going straight into talks with the junta which is led by Déby's son General 'Kaka' Mahamat Idriss Déby...

On 15 February on the eve of hosting fellow G5 Sahel leaders for a summit in Ndjamena– which France's Emmanuel Macron would join by video conference – President Déby posted on Twitter a video of the rousing send-off for 1200 troops he was despatching to join the battle against jihadists in the 'three frontiers region' where the borders of Mali Niger and Burkina Faso meet (AC Vol 62 No 4 France holds tight in the Sahel)...

Dubaiba's honeymoon

For his part the new President Mohamed Younes Manfi had talks in Paris with Emmanuel Macron on 23 March and then with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el Sisi in Cairo two days later...

Mutual distrust

Despite President Emmanuel Macron's moves to heal wounds from the 1954-62 war of independence antipathy towards France remains deep...

Displaying 101-110 out of 178 results.