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Congo Kinshasa

Félix Antoine Tshisekedi

Date of Birth: 3 June 1963
Place of Birth: Kinshasa

Displaying 71-80 out of 125 results.

Fatigue may be fatal

Speaker after speaker urged a redoubling of efforts including African Union Chair and President of Congo-Kinshasa Félix Tshisekedi World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Africa CDC Director John Nkengasong...


Kampala takes on another military mission which could cool bilateral tensions over gold-looting in Ituri province

Talks between Congo-K's President Félix Tshisekedi and the UPDF have been ongoing for the last two years (AC Vol 60 No 11 A shake-up takes shape)...

The European Union is also set to provide a training mission for Congolese troops after EU diplomats confirmed that President Felix Tshisekedi had made a formal request for support...


Gertler's billions

President Félix Tshisekedi who is fighting for power with ex-President Joseph Kabila strikes an ambiguous attitude towards Gertler a key ally of the former president (AC Vol 62 No 3 Félix tips the scales)...

Edging Farmajo towards the exit

On 19 April Farmajo visited Kinshasa to try and persuade AU Chair and Congo-Kinshasa President Félix Tshisekedi to support him but he failed...

Coalition’s sky-high ambitions

Ilunga's ouster paved the way for President Félix Tshisekedi to form a government that he would dominate rather than Kabila after two years of an increasingly fraught coalition between the two...

Four of them hold vice-prime minister positions: President Félix Tshisekedi's Union pour la Démocratie et le Progrès Social (UDPS); the Ensemble party of Moïse Katumbi governor of the mining hub of Katanga for eight years; ex-rebel leader Jean-Pierre Bemba's Mouvement de Libération du Congo (MLC); and former President Joseph Kabila's Parti du Peuple pour la Reconstruction et la Démocratie (PPRD)...

Stirring the regional pot

This month Egypt hosted Congo-Kinshasa President Félix Tshisekedi current chair of the AU as part of its efforts to increase contacts with Nile Basin states and IGAD members...

The money-sharing puzzle

The SDR windfall coupled with decade-high copper prices will strengthen President Félix Tshisekedi's hand as he breaks away from a partnership with predecessor Joseph Kabila though there is no guarantee that ordinary Congolese will benefit from the cash injection...

Displaying 71-80 out of 125 results.