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Mohamed Bazoum

Date of Birth: 1 January 1960
Place of Birth: N'Guigmi, Niger

Displaying 1-10 out of 52 results.

The juntas dig in as instability worsens

On 14 June in Niger the deposed head of state Mohamed Bazoum now facing a trial on charges of treason plotting against state security and freeing terrorists was deprived of his presidential immunity in a ruling by the new Cour d'État tribunal established by General Abdourahamane Tiani's regime (AC Vol 64 No 16 A coup foretold but not averted)...

Patrice Talon tests strength of General Tiani’s junta

This bilateral fight developed after the 26 July 2023 coup in Niger in which President Mohamed Bazoum was deposed and detained in his own residence with his wife and son (AC Vol 64 No 16 A coup foretold but not averted & Vol 65 No 5 Ecowas buckles as it goes for regional unity)...

    Vol 65 No 9 |
  • CHAD

President Mahamat considers the Russian bear hug

The Chadian and Nigerien military are close but relations were dented when Nigerian President Bola Tinubu succeeded in persuading Kaka to ask the junta in Niamey to release President Mohamed Bazoum from his detention since 26 July...


Ecowas buckles as it goes for regional unity

But ending sanctions on Niger did not persuade its junta to release ousted President Mohamed Bazoum under strictly enforced house arrest since the coup last July...

Although he repeated the bloc's demand for the release of President Mohamed Bazoum and his wife he did not say this was a condition for scrapping sanctions...

Displaying 1-10 out of 52 results.