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Tendai Laxton Biti

Date of Birth: 6 August 1966
Place of Birth: Dzivaresekwa, Harare

Displaying 91-100 out of 127 results.

New management for new tasks

Zimbabwean Finance Minister Tendai Biti has announced a hybrid deal with creditors containing elements of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative that has been agreed at cabinet level...

Economic clouds, platinum lining

Since February 2009 when the Government of National Unity started up and Tendai Biti was appointed Finance Minister Zimbabwe’s economy has grown by about 3...

A slow return to growth

ZANU-PF's succession struggle will intensify as President Robert Mugabe's influence (balanced by that of the competent MDC Finance Minister Tendai Biti) starts to recede...

Three men in a boat

Tensions have abated with deputy leader Thokozani Khupe Secretary General and Finance Minister Tendai Biti and some malcontents from Matebeleland...

Elusive shoots of economic recovery

Since Finance Minister Tendai Biti suspended the Zimbabwe dollar and adopted the United States dollar and South African rand as legal tender inflation fell from an official 231 million percent in July 2008 to an average of 6% in 2009...

Downtown crackdown

MDC Finance Minister Tendai Biti opposes the idea and says that the South African rand and the US dollar will remain the national currencies until 2012 when they could be replaced by a common currency in the Southern African Development Community...

All that glitters is mine

While Gono told Harare's businessmen how the new gold purchasing agreement would boost the banking industry MDC Finance Minister Tendai Biti announced a national budget of just $2...

China Sonangol targets Harare’s gold and oil

Reserve Bank Governor Gideon Gono who continues to battle with MDC Finance Minister Tendai Biti over control of the economy said that ‘significant’ sums from the deal were already with local financial institutions...

Faint heart never beat stout lady in the ruling party

At the cabinet meeting on 24 November Mujuru insured herself against another harvest failure and launched an emotional attack on Finance Minister Tendai Biti for not using International Monetary Fund money to purchase and distribute agricultural inputs...

Greed, gold and grit

When the MDC Finance Minister and chief strategist Tendai Biti suspended the national currency in February it took away ZANU-PF's capacity to print local money and control the foreign exchange markets thus shutting many of its political friends out of the economy...

Displaying 91-100 out of 127 results.