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Tendai Laxton Biti

Date of Birth: 6 August 1966
Place of Birth: Dzivaresekwa, Harare

Displaying 81-90 out of 127 results.

Attacks cause new crisis

The talks which focus on political violence and the partisan behaviour of the security forces have been given an extra edge by the death in the weekend of 4-5 June of a police inspector the bombing of the house of Finance Minister Tendai Biti and the serious injury of another policeman in a fracas outside a nightclub in the Harare township of Glen View...

ZANU-PF cries treason

ZANU-PF’s recently reinstated spin doctor Jonathan Moyo used the word ‘treason’ half a dozen times in the state-owned Sunday Mail when attacking Finance Minister Tendai Biti and the MDC...

Even ZANU can change

A few days later Mujuru joined forces with Tendai Biti the MDC Finance Minister to railroad his budget through Parliament with a minimum of debate...

The wages of Xin

After Finance Minister Tendai Biti presented his mid-term economic assessment in July Xin had come out publicly with a forceful appeal for the country to pay less attention to political rivalry and concentrate on getting the economy moving again...

Polish to a shine

This required parliamentary approval and was railroaded through by Finance Minister Tendai Biti and Defence Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa despite the objections of their respective backbenchers...

Platinum-bottomed deals

Tendai Biti Finance Minister and Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) member admits there are discussions about which he refuses to be drawn while the Chinese Embassy feigns ignorance...

What’s mine is mine

In mid-February MDC Finance Minister Tendai Biti said that the government was evaluating Zisco’s bid to refurbish the Hwange power station...

The missing election fund

Yet there is no money to finance the constitutional referendum and national elections estimated to cost around US$200 million apiece according to Finance Minister Tendai Biti...


The only senior MDC members present were Finance Minister Tendai Biti and Home Affairs Co-Minister Theresa Makone...

Displaying 81-90 out of 127 results.