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Tendai Laxton Biti

Date of Birth: 6 August 1966
Place of Birth: Dzivaresekwa, Harare

Displaying 61-70 out of 127 results.

Three men in a boat

The Finance Minister Tendai Biti who is MDC-Tsvangirai Secretary General Douglas Mwonzora the Co-Chairman of the Constitution Parliamentary Select Committee (Copac); and Eric Matinenga the Minister of Constitutional Affairs all came out forcefully in favour of Parliament having the last say before the referendum...

Morganatic marriages

Rumours say the securocrats are preparing traps for the other MDC chiefs Welshman Ncube and Tendai Biti...

From no growth to low growth

The MDC Finance Minister Tendai Biti suspects the military of siphoning off diamond revenue to fund its own parallel administration; as guarantor of the revolution the army will not accept the orders or the election of anyone it disapproves of...

Prophecies and fantasies

If the official media can be believed Tsvangirai and his MDC are in little better shape with a faction around Tsvangirai himself another around Tendai Biti the respected Finance Minister and a third around Nelson Chamisa the darling of the grassroots...

Where’s the indigenous cash?

Finance Minister Tendai Biti of the MDC has pointed out that Section 3 of the Act states that the government shall merely ‘endeavour’ to secure at least 51% of public companies for indigenous Zimbabweans...

Constitutional reform blow

Finance Minister Tendai Biti who doubles as chief negotiator for the Movement for Democratic Change remarked that the reduction in public consultation meant the constitution would be negotiated rather than driven by the people...

The rise of Tendai Biti

Tendai Biti has been the star both of the Movement for Democratic Change as its General Secretary and of the Government of National Unity as its Finance Minister...

Positions pending

This appointment is made by the Finance Minister currently Tendai Biti of the Movement for Democratic Change who is thought determined to remove him...

A race against time

Surrounded by ZANU-PF bureaucrats in the Treasury Finance Minister Tendai Biti finds it hard to refuse requests from the securocrats...

A pause in economic progress

Finance Minister Tendai Biti forecasts gross domestic product growth of 9% this year but independent economists and bankers reckon it will be around 7%...

Displaying 61-70 out of 127 results.