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Displaying 251-260 out of 2329 results.

Jihadist terror tops the agenda

Amid increasingly deadly Islamist attacks, army reform is more urgent than ever and risks of a coup have risen

Reversing the spread of jihadist terrorist violence will be the dominant theme for Burkina Faso's government, especially as it has started to affect three of its four southern neig...

Not letting go

Hanging on to power, the junta is using Russian mercenaries to counter regional pressure for elections

The colonels, in power since August 2020, seem impervious to international pressure, asserting they may need to stay in power for five more years, despite their earlier promise to ...

Costly U-turn on killings

By rejecting the investigators' verdict on the Lekki shootings Governor Sanwo-Olu has lost voters' trust

A year after admitting that it was likely that the military had killed civilians at the Lekki toll gate in protest against police brutality in October 2020, the Lagos state governm...

Tinubu fights for his legacy

Public opposition to the elite's handling of the #EndSARS protests will cost votes in the coming national elections

The Lagos state government's handling of last October's Lekki Toll Gate shootings has angered many in the commercial capital, especially young voters. That could derail the chances...

Cancelling the opposition

Sentenced to 20 years in jail on terrorism charges, the outspoken ex-minister Reckya Madougou has been formally removed from the Béninois political scene, as has the respect...

Clogged-up commission

What is holding up publication of a major report into how oil spills have wrecked the ecology of Bayelsa state in the Niger Delta? The Bayelsa State Oil and Environmental Commissio...

Buhari gambles on cash transfers on his way out

As the government ends fuel subsidies, the president plans to introduce an even costlier social grant to over 40 million citizens

Just over a year before he's due to step down, President Muhammadu Buhari is taking some uncharacteristic risks. His government is phasing out politically sensitive subsidies and a...

Bonds and budget blockers

As opposition lawmakers initially block the budget, the finance ministry and central bank face new economic headwinds

Faced by a powerful opposition party, Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta's 2022 budget statement, presented on 17 November to Parliament, was always unlikely to have an easy passage. ...

Shooting the messengers

The row over the shootings at Lekki toll gate in Lagos a year ago is set to spill into the campaign for national elections in 2023. After an independent tribunal set up by Lagos St...

Displaying 251-260 out of 2329 results.