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Displaying 261-270 out of 2329 results.

A new political launchpad

After winning the governorship in Anambra, Charles Soludo has positioned himself for a future presidential campaign

Former central bank governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo stormed to victory in Anambra state's gubernatorial elections on 6 November in a blow to the two biggest parties and militant c...

Lagos probe accuses military

Activists doubt that evidence of systematic killings by police and soldiers will prompt a serious response by government

The report by the Lagos State Judicial Panel of Inquiry was damning and contradicted all official accounts, especially those by the army and police, of what happened at the Lekki t...

    Vol 62 No 23 |
  • MALI

Meeting Moscow, battling Brussels

European Union sanctions on those who impede the transition back to democracy, following those imposed by the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas), deepens confrontat...

When the parties go to pieces

All the main parties are floundering, seeking successors and relevance, as Gbagbo relaunches his political career

Ex-President Laurent Gbagbo's Front populaire ivoirien (FPI) has splintered and its former leader helms a new party; President Alassane Ouattara's Rassemblement des houphouëti...

Bamako and Moscow defy Paris

The Malian foreign minister's trip to Moscow will be read as a slap in Paris's face as the junta deepens relations with President Putin's government

The visit by Mali's Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop to Moscow on 11 November flies in the face of French government complaints about Russia's state-backed mercenaries and their all...

Populist anti-gay bill divides churches and activists

Advocates of a draconian anti-gay law are piling pressure on President Akufo-Addo and have sparked a rift with the Anglican church

The Ghanaian Family Values Bill is likely to sail through Parliament if it is voted on in the coming weeks. The main opposition and governing parties are broadly united in support,...


A splintered sect

The death of a notorious jihad leader has shifted the balance of power among terrorist groups in the region

An unrelenting campaign of terror by Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) continues to gather steam as it positions itself to succeed Boko Haram, from which it splintered, as...

US gets its man

The 16-month legal saga surrounding Alex Nain Saab Morán – accused of laundering hundreds of millions of dollars for Venezuela's government – came to an end on 1...

Displaying 261-270 out of 2329 results.