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Displaying 151-160 out of 2653 results.

Populist Matekane promises reforms

The newly elected Prime Minister vows a reset for Lesotho, but he lacks a majority and must address conflicts of interest

Business mogul Sam Matekane is switching his corporate suit for political office as he takes over as Lesotho's new Prime Minister, and is promising populist changes. But he faces a...

New King Coal

The global energy crisis has gifted Botswana a window to diversify its narrow export base – 75% of its export earnings coming from diamonds – as the country rakes in ri...

Truss and Ramaphosa try a crisis reset

Dogged by chaos and infighting at home, politicians in Whitehall and Pretoria could both gain from the state visit to London in November

The British and South African governments are both struggling to resolve serial political and economic crises. Against this backdrop, planning a state visit for President Cyril Ram...

Zuma humiliated on his home turf

KwaZulu-Natal's ANC branch is backing former health minster Zweli Mkhize as party leader – worrying both the Zuma and Ramaphosa camps

The decision by the African National Congress in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa's second biggest province and its largest reservoir of party members, to choose former health min...

ZANU-PF beats its economic chest

The governing party will open its congress with economic boosterism, but hyperinflation and repression define its rule

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front's seventh party congress will preach empowerment and a '2030' vision of shared wealth when it opens on 26 October, but such opti...

New coalition aims to supplant the ANC

An alliance of unions, civic activists, and business is launch a new party next year to fight the 2024 elections

Activists are building a broad-based movement to take on the country's three main parties ahead of the widely forecast realignment should the ruling African National Congress lose ...

Why Dlamini-Zuma is running again

Ousted President Zuma and his allies want his ex-wife to win back control of the ANC in party elections in December

In mid-September, at a five-star hotel overlooking the majestic Indian Ocean on KwaZulu-Natal's north coast, a group of African National Congress members wearing party caps and tee...

Dismay as court strikes down reform laws

Crucial political reforms have just failed, meaning the 7 October election goes ahead under the system that produced so much instability

Polling in the general election will open on 7 October without the expected constitutional reforms designed to rid the country of its notorious political instability, disappointing...

Fears of pain in prospect

Pundits and public alike are waking up to the economic sacrifices entailed in the US$1.3 billion IMF rescue package agreed at the beginning of the month amid concern that President...

Three bid to succeed Geingob

As the end of President Hage Geingob's second and final five-year term of office nears, the SWAPO Party is set to pick his successor for the 2024 elections at its elective congress...

Displaying 151-160 out of 2653 results.