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Displaying 211-220 out of 2653 results.

Chief Justice Zondo takes centre stage

Rejecting the advice of the Judicial Services Commission, Ramaphosa has picked his own man as top judge as well as top corruption-buster

In appointing Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo as the new Chief Justice, President Cyril Ramaphosa used his constitutional powers to trump a populist cabal in the 23-person Judic...

Moscow invasion strains bilateral ties

Internal rivalries in the ruling ANC complicate the government’s response to war in Ukraine

Russia's full-blown war against Ukraine has opened a crack in the BRICS alliance – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – the political and economic grouping t...

In debt to my colleague

The prosecution in the trial of 19 people accused of profiting from the $2 billion in hidden loans closed on 18 February with testimony from its most illustrious witness yet, ex-Pr...

Power struggle intensifies as Thabane goes on trial

Prime Minister Majoro faces challenges from rivals in ruling party ahead of national elections in September

Allies of former leader Thomas Thabane in the ruling All Basotho Convention (ABC) party are trying to take over the government in Maseru by organising a no-confidence vote on incum...

The jihadists show staying power

A badly coordinated foreign intervention has made it easier for insurgents to keep fighting, and spread into new areas despite losing many recruits

The fighting between a regional alliance and Islamist rebels in the northernmost Cabo Delgado region of Mozambique looks far from over. In January, heads of state from the Southern...

Fishing giant's dirty tricks

Leaked emails reveal the underhand methods used by a European fishing company against critics of its Namibian business

Icelandic fishing company Samherji plotted dirty tricks against a senior employee in Namibia, before he went on to blow the whistle on corruption, leaked documents seen by Africa C...


Spy powers in question

A 'spy bill' giving investigators the right to intercept phone calls has been diluted following a public outcry, but the government remains intent on stepping up surveillance on su...

Balance of forces in ANC favours Cyril

A basic income grant and a land expropriation law may allow the President to strengthen his grip on the ruling party

When South African President Cyril Ramaphosa takes the podium on 10 February in Cape Town's City Hall – which will substitute for the colonial-era parliamentary buildings gut...

Displaying 211-220 out of 2653 results.