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Displaying 251-260 out of 2653 results.

Mining magnates hail ruling

The High Court curbs ministerial powers to enforce black empowerment targets as companies pledge to boost investment

A landmark High Court ruling curtailing ministerial powers on mine ownership is set to end three years of policy uncertainty. Looking at growing production across the continent, So...

Probe into shootings of 'poachers'

Botswana has formally registered an inquest through the courts to investigate the shootings of three Namibians and a Zambian by its army along a river border with Namibia last Nove...

Who runs the Western Cape?

The province is the only opposition stronghold. The ANC shows no sign of making inroads in the coming local elections

The Western Cape is the only province in the country on which the opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) has secured a solid grip – one that the African National Congress (ANC) ...

The President did it

The trial of 19 state officials and ruling party members accused of corruptly benefiting from the US$2 billion hidden loans scandal continues to grip the country and embarrass Pres...

Capital crimes

The assassination of the exiled Rwandan businessman Revocant Karemangingo in a hail of bullets in Maputo on 13 September has shocked the country and prompted strong international p...

Ill fares the ANC

Cyril Ramaphosa's popularity is growing as the ruling party sinks deeper into infighting, bankruptcy and paralysis

President Cyril Ramaphosa has warned the African National Congress that a judicial commission headed by Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo – which enjoys the support of the P...

Mega fraud trial grips nation

A live stream of the court hearings on the $2 billion hidden loans scandal yields drama and spotlights a distinctly uncomfortable President Nyusi

The criminal trial in Maputo of many of the state and ruling party officials accused of involvement in the creation and theft of part of the US$2 billion borrowed to finance bogus ...

Presidents trade more blows

The row between the present and former president shows no sign of abating as they clash over Covid-19 vaccines

A charitable foundation linked to ex-President Ian Khama claimed on 9 August it had secured 4 million doses of the Pfizer and Astra-Zeneca Covid-19 vaccines and was offering them t...

Samia the securocrat

The new president supports her security establishment’s policies on the Mozambican insurgency as well as harsh repression of the civil opposition

Although it is the neighbouring country most affected by the Islamist insurgency in Mozambique's northern province of Cabo Delgado, Tanzania's response to the conflict is the most ...

Allies prove a trial for the President

After a year in office the head of state is losing the faith of the public as allies, friends, relations and ministers generate scandal

President Lazarus Chakwera has had a torrid month. He sacked Chikosa Silungwe, the Attorney-General, on 2 August, and two of his most senior aides were arrested by the Anti-Corrupt...

Displaying 251-260 out of 2653 results.