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news by category: Economy

Found 103 articles.

Displaying 91-100 out of 103 results.

Enter the capitalists

The World Bank and IMF are bullish about African economic growth in 2007, predicting rates of 5.3% and 5.9% respectively

Africa's economies were buoyed by international conditions, improved domestic policies, increased exports to China and high commodity prices. However, African economies are more sensitive than any others to...

Powering up

Overseas investment in aluminium helps the Eastern Cape and requires more investment in power

Alcan is to build a US$2.7 billion smelter at the Coega Industrial Development Zone (IDZ) in South Africa's Eastern Cape. This could salvage the Zone's faltering fortunes -...

Forget the politics, say advisors

An overpriced rand and government protectionism block foreign direct investment and economic growth. That is the view of a team of Harvard University economists, who are advising the...

Zapping the zeroes

Despite a chaotic currency change, its architect Gideon Gono remains the President's close ally

Reserve Bank Governor Gideon Gono has decided to slash three zeroes from the amount printed on currency notes and issue new notes in a bid to tackle the...

Aid, trade and reform

Hopes are high for faster growth this year as G8 countries promise more backing for Africa

Off to a strong start, 2005 is set to be both eventful and decisive for Africa's economies. Firstly, the International Monetary Fund is forecasting gross domestic product (GDP)...

Heading higher

The International Monetary Fund's forecast of average growth of 5.8 per cent for sub-Saharan Africa this year is the region's best out-turn for 30 years. The bigger question...

Rebel forces, market forces

Côte d'Ivoire's civil war may have boosted cocoa prices but it has also closed the processing plants

Alongside Côte d'Ivoire's horrific descent into civil war has been the almost equally devastating economic fall out and its effects on lives and jobs. Several major factories have...

Bear markets

The rich world's recession hits Africa's prospects but reform goes slowly on

For many Africans, the new year confirms the most pessimistic forecasts of economic gloom. Nigerians face a 50 per cent increase in fuel prices, South Africans must cope...

Less debt, more growth

World Bank President Jim Wolfensohn, together with internationalist anti-debt campaigners, will get joint credit if the Bank and the international Monetary Fund's Heavily Indebted Poor Country initiative makes...

Displaying 91-100 out of 103 results.