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news by category: Economy

Found 103 articles.

Displaying 71-80 out of 103 results.

Two virgins

Britain’s Virgin Atlantic has lost the first round in its battle with Nigeria’s government and is expected to sell all but 7% of its 49% stake in the...

Treading on the corn

It is universally accepted that a Malawian government's legitimacy is determined by the latest maize harvest. 'Chimango ndi moyo' (Maize is life) is an expression often heard and...

The vultures gather

So-called 'vulture funds' threaten the highly indebted countries that the International Monetary Fund is trying to rescue from the burden of debts they cannot pay. Many of the...

Presidents, gems and trade

Leaders bearing gifts, a bad start to the year for diamond giant De Beers and those Economic Partnership Agreements

World Bank President Robert Zoellick, followed closely by United States President George Bush and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, led the procession of Western leaders on their pilgrimages to...

Panic, what panic?

The rich world's economies are sick and the looming recession in the United States has already triggered days of panic selling in Western and now Asian markets. Africa...

Frontier market

Fund managers are keeping one eye on the global market twitches and another on some of Africa’s rockier political systems as they try to assess news risk in...

Trade: Choosing China

East African countries have voted to abandon the EU's latest trade deals

The European Union’s Africa policy is in a shambles after the diplomatic disaster of the Economic Partnership Agreements, the multilateral trade accords which so many African states have...

A softer landing in the East

Asia's more buoyant economies could help cushion the effects of the West's credit crunch on Africa

If Asia's economic growth has offered African exporters a fast-growing and lucrative market and its hyper-economies - China and India - have become important sources of investment capital, then this time...

Displaying 71-80 out of 103 results.