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Population: 107.4m
GDP: $205.13bn
Debt: 30.5% of GDP (2024)

news from Ethiopia

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Found 315 articles.

Displaying 11-20 out of 315 results.

Demeke's exit points to deepening rifts

Whether the foreign minister jumped or was pushed, the lesson is clear – zero tolerance for debate in government

The fall-out that triggered the exit of long-serving Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Demeke Mekonnen is another sign of the widening gap between Prime Minister Abiy Ahm...

Oromo peace momentum falters

There were high hopes of a resolution to the OLA insurgency, but the will is not yet there on the rebel side and Abiy fears a deal may alienate other regions

The outlook for a settlement between the government and the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) has taken a hit: fighting has resumed after peace talks ended in acrimony late last year. Th...

Reality catches up with gambler Abiy

Prime minister Abiy's diplomatic ploy may distract attention from a weakening central state and economy

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's announcement on New Year's Day that his country would be granted access to the Red Sea by the breakaway republic of Somaliland illustrates his penchant ...


Abiy races for funds after debt default

Prime Minister under pressure to conclude restructuring talks with IMF and international creditors as Addis Ababa's finances remain under severe strain

The failure of Abiy Ahmed's government to make a US$33 million coupon payment on its only international government bond in late December confirmed Ethiopia's status as the third Af...


Abiy spells out expansionist plans

The premier is targeting direct access to the Red Sea, a move that could destabilise the region

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, whose popularity has plummeted at home and abroad due to the war in Tigray, the chaos in Oromia, and now conflict in Amhara, appears to have a new plan t...

Abiy looks west

Pushing ahead with a pro-market reform programme as it tries to restructure its foreign debts and secure a loan from the IMF, Abiy Ahmed's government is fighting on many fronts. Co...

Abiy ploughs on as economy staggers

Multiple insurgencies and the bitter aftermath of the Tigray war weigh heavily on growth and jobs

The harsh realities of most people's living conditions in the country contradict Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's resolute optimism that within two years the economy will be 'free from ...


Abiy and Sisi agree to restart Nile dam talks

Hopes for a resolution have been raised after the move to finalise agreement on filling and operation of the long-disputed GERD project

Ethiopia and Egypt have agreed to resume talks over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) that Addis Ababa is building on the Blue Nile river with a view to finalising agreeme...


Displaying 11-20 out of 315 results.