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Guinea Bissau

Guinea Bissau

Population: 1.98m
GDP: $2.15bn
Debt: 76.5% of GDP (2024)

news from Guinea Bissau

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Found 47 articles.

Displaying 1-10 out of 47 results.

Chaos reigns again

Domingo Simões Perreira, leader of the Assembleia Nacional Popular (ANP), Guinea Bissau's parliament, called all deputies to the parliament building on 13 December for the c...

Two hands on the levers of power

Faction fighting between members of the old ruling party paralyses government and threatens catastrophe for vital cashew exports

A new government took office in mid-August pledging cohabitação (cohabitation). But the cohabitees– parliament and president – look as divided as ever as ...

Who was behind the failed power grab?

The President of Africa's pre-eminent narco-state says he was targeted by drug gangs, but his own record is patchy

The President of Guinea Bissau's claims about a failed putsch against him leave many questions unanswered. Around lunchtime on 1 February a group of armed men clad in sweatshirts s...

Oil-sharing deal fires up row

When Senegal's former economy minister Amadou Hott visited Bissau last October, he sparked a furore by telling journalists about a secret deal to distribute revenues that might acc...

Sall roots out rebels

Senegal's media eagerly showed footage of soldiers walking through rebel camps which the Senegalese army overran in the first week of February. Deserted kitchens, mostly old weapon...

They're back

The surprise victory of Úmaro Sissoco Embaló in the second round of the presidential election has failed to end the country's political turbulence. The losing candidate, Domingos S...

Latest Vaz plot fails

President José Mário Vaz's latest attempt to dismiss a government, four weeks before the presidential elections, now due on 24 November, collapsed in ignominy after the Economic Co...

Vaz clings on

Hopes that the 10 March elections would usher in a new era of reconciliation and dislodge President José Mário Vaz's limpet-like grip on power have again proved vain as the politic...

Reformers take power

The Partido Africano para a Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde (PAIGC) of Domingo Simões Perreira won the 10 March parliamentary elections but fell short of the absolute majority ...

Displaying 1-10 out of 47 results.