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Population: 52.44m
GDP: $104bn
Debt: 73% of GDP (2024)

news from Kenya

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Found 630 articles.

Displaying 131-140 out of 630 results.


New Pan-African airline aims to take off in 2023

Committed investors and political will are key to success of proposed tie-up between Kenya Airways and South African Airways

Officials in Nairobi and Johannesburg are working with new investors for the launch next year of the biggest airline alliance in Africa after two years of crashing revenues in busi...


Making the vote count

Voter registration ahead of the August general election is low because people are disillusioned with politicians and the system, say analysts and activists, and also because of bac...

The politics of division

Polarised parliamentary battles on an elections bill reflect starker ethnic divisions within the country at large

After filibusters and fisticuffs in parliament before Christmas, President Uhuru Kenyatta and his chosen successor Raila Odinga got what they wanted on 8 January, when the National...

Hustlers and handshakes

Government is on hold as a presidential race reliant on personalities and corralling regional blocs takes centre stage

Big challenges to President Uhuru Kenyatta's government are looming this year on the economic management front and on regional security. But barring a phenomenal new crisis, the po...


Odinga rebounds with new coalition plan

As the campaign heats up between the two frontrunners, the focus is on who they can draw into their rival alliances

In the rollercoaster race for the presidency in August's elections, veteran oppositionist turned establishment candidate Raila Odinga has made a good start in the new year by bring...



Headline figures mask pain at the grassroots

The treasury holds down the deficit and rakes in cash as tax reforms boost revenues by a third

On paper, Kenya's economy is roaring. The World Bank says the economy has bounced back strongly from the Covid-19 shock. Output for the first half of this year was above pre-pandem...


Raila's shallow coalition

Backed by the presidential camp, Odinga is now the establishment candidate, but he lacks his rival’s grassroots support

The kick-off of Raila Odinga's fifth presidential bid in front of around 100,000 people in Nairobi's Kasarani stadium on 10 December may have displayed 'Baba's' undimmed capacity t...


Raila Odinga launches fifth bid for the presidency

With the polls favouring his rival, Deputy President Ruto, Odinga will have an uphill struggle in the key regions that will decide the vote

Leader of Orange Democratic Movement and veteran oppositionist, Raila Odinga held his Azimio la Umoja rally to launch his presidential candidacy on 10 December at the 60,000-seat K...


Displaying 131-140 out of 630 results.