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Population: 6.91m
GDP: $48.22bn
Debt: No data

news from Libya

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Found 143 articles.

Displaying 11-20 out of 143 results.

Government by chequebook

Prime Minister Abdel Hamid Dubaiba will use the central bank to shore up his power base and buy off opponents

Elections look unlikely again this year. After the eastern-based House of Representatives (HoR) blamed the failure of the December 2021 presidential elections on Prime Minister Abd...

Bashagha bloodied in Tripoli battle

Forces loyal to Tripoli-based premier Dubaiba have tightened their grip on the capital after another failed effort to capture the city

Heavy clashes between rival militias in Tripoli over the weekend of 26/27 August underlined the intractability of the conflict between the two main political protagonists, while cl...

Dubaiba woos UAE and Haftar with about-turn on oil

Dubaiba tries to end embargo and undercut his eastern-based rival Bashagha by naming Bengdara as the new state oil chief

The latest arena of conflict between the country's two opposing governments is the crucial position of head of the National Oil Company (NOC). A complex political game between the ...

Plan mooted to settle east-west split

The country is back to rule by two governments – but support is growing for devolution instead of the stalled international push for national elections

Libya looks more divided than at any time since the 2011 revolution. It boasts one government in Tripoli ruling the west, and another in Sirte which is recognised in the east &ndas...

Dubaiba and Bashagha preside over a new east-west partition

As bread prices rocket, the country has two rival governments again – one courting the west and one linked to Russia

A new Government of National Stability (GNS) headed by Fathi Bashagha and close to Moscow is little more than a mirage. Bashagha was apppinted by the Tobruk-based parliament, the H...

Political leaders versus the polls

There's little prospect of the politicians agreeing to the elections they had promised but the UN will keep trying to make it work

The legal and political causes of the failure to hold presidential elections on 24 December, the seventieth anniversary of the country's independence, look to ensure they cannot be...

Everyone wants to be president

Politicians past, present and aspiring scrambled to get on the ballot paper for the presidential election in December adding to doubts about its viability

Nominations for candidates in the country’s first-ever presidential elections closed on 22 November. With less than a month to go until the first round of voting, the politic...

Eastern strongman squares up for the polls

As the country takes faltering steps towards elections set for December, only General Haftar has so far entered the ring

Having failed to become master of his country by the bullet with the collapse last year of his 14-month offensive against Tripoli, eastern-based General Khalifa Haftar has opted fo...

Doubts on elections multiply

The power-sharing government has named a new premier and agreed to reunify the country but the transition is well behind schedule

Officially, the Libyan civil war is over, the country has a single government of national unity (GNU) and a three-man Presidency Council (PC). Almost all of its previously split in...

Displaying 11-20 out of 143 results.