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Population: 37.37m
GDP: $152.38bn
Debt: 70.4% GDP (2024)

news from Morocco

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Found 125 articles.

Displaying 51-60 out of 125 results.

The Sahara conflict is back

Rabat’s new engagement with sub-Saharan Africa is raising the temperature of its dispute with Polisario

One of Africa's most prominent militant groups gathered thousands of supporters and threatened to storm the Moroccan wall on 10 May. It was not a confrontation between Polisario fo...

Who wants to see a billionaire?

Viewed from the Casablanca commercial courtroom where the bankruptcy and mothballing of his Société Anonyme Marocaine de l'Industrie du Raffinage (Samir) refinery company has been...

Fishing for recognition

The precise legal position of the European Union's fisheries agreement with Morocco may now be clear, but few seem to have noticed. The European Court of Justice ruled on 27 Februa...

Forward on the southern front

The Kingdom sees a big future for itself south of the Sahara, but it may not have the resources to ensure success

King Mohammed VI (M6) has invested a huge amount of political capital – and the biggest Moroccan banks and corporations' money – in making one of Africa's most notable strategic pi...

Courtship and crackdowns

Many Moroccans are proud to see their king bestriding the global stage but are less keen on the autocratic side of royalty

Moroccans are now used to King Mohammed VI (M6) leading the kingdom's drive to become a political and economic heavyweight in Africa. For decades North African leaders tended to lo...

Guns, gas and nukes

Guns, gas and nuclear cooperation were among the goodies offered by Russian Prime Minister Dimitry Medvedev in a 72-hour tour of Algiers and Rabat between 9 and 11 October.

M6's apprentices

The appointment of Nizar Baraka to head Istiqlal (Independence), after months of angry wrangling among the historic nationalist party's political bosses, reflects a wider move back...

Game of names

African leaders meet their European Union counterparts in Abidjan in late November with migration and increased European investment certain to dominate the agenda. However, an unli...

Displaying 51-60 out of 125 results.