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Population: 65.23m
GDP: $79.61bn
Debt: 46.1% of GDP (2024)

news from Tanzania

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Found 219 articles.

Displaying 1-10 out of 219 results.


Arusha comes to the rescue

Tanzania’s NFRA plans to export 1 million tonnes of corn to neighbours facing shortages following droughts

Tanzania’s National Food Reserve Agency has agreed to sell 650,000 tonnes of corn to Zambia over the next eight months as Lusaka counts the costs of the drought caused by El ...


Pipeline to nowhere

Two years after the final investment decision to construct the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) was taken, the US$5 billion project is limping on to an uncertain future.

Nation mourns the 'nearly man' Lowassa

Despite his burning ambition the late Edward Lowassa was ever the bridesmaid and never the bride, but his career exemplified national politics

Edward Lowassa, who has died aged 70, was a close friend, confidant and ally of ex-President Jakaya Kikwete who spent a fortune advancing his prospects and embracing any part of th...

The return of the hard men

President Samia won praise for mitigating her predecessor's authoritarianism, but his loyalists are on the march again and she is accommodating them

The outspoken Paul Makonda, who has just been appointed to a key ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) post, is fast emerging as the leader of a new dawn for resurgent loyalists of the ...

China holds key to regional oil project

The fate of Albertine oil and the pipeline to export it rests on Beijing's willingness to finance the plan which flouts World Bank climate rules

The massive oil project, which includes the East African Crude Oil Pipeline – heated over its 1,443-kilometre journey to the Tanzanian coast at Tanga – continues to sti...

Concerns mount over carbon credit deals

President Samia's government is piling into 'green bonds' and stepping up fossil fuel projects at the same time

As questions multiply about 'greenwashing' and financial compliance Tanzania is gearing up to enter the booming carbon credit market, signing memoranda of understanding with invest...


Dubai faces legal hurdles with port plan

DP World's port plans on pause after Dar es Salaam withdraws legal changes that would have facilitated the deal

President Samia Suluhu Hassan appears to have backed down following a damaging row over a controversial agreement signed in February with the United Arab Emirates for logistics gia...


Displaying 1-10 out of 219 results.