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Population: 16.48m
GDP: $34.41bn
Debt: 98.5% of GDP (2024)

news from Zimbabwe

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Found 594 articles.

Displaying 31-40 out of 594 results.

ZANU-PF beats its economic chest

The governing party will open its congress with economic boosterism, but hyperinflation and repression define its rule

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front's seventh party congress will preach empowerment and a '2030' vision of shared wealth when it opens on 26 October, but such opti...


Mnangagwa bans banks from lending as the Zim dollar implodes

The local currency is heading for a critical week and the government's block on loans could wreck the agriculture sector

The Zimbabwe dollar lost 40% of its value against its US counterpart over the weekend according to the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), the central bank. The combination of the cras...


The Change campaign changes hands

A spate of by-elections saw the demise of Mwonzora’s state-sponsored opposition and the arrival of Chamisa's bright yellow party

Two conclusions emerge from the results of the by-elections for 28 parliamentary seats and 122 council seats on 26 March: that the ruling party's strategy of dividing the oppositio...


Sanctioned mogul adds steel to portfolio

Zimbabwean business mogul Kudakwashe Tagwirei continues building his empire, despite US sanctions and fresh revelations

Pfimbi means storage in Shona, but it also implies a secret place known by you alone, where you stash something for safekeeping. It's an apt name for a shell company used by sancti...

New bid to revive the opposition

Nelson Chamisa hopes to replace the MDC, which dissolved in acrimony, with a new party that can take on the government

On 24 January, President Emmerson Mnangagwa's main opponent in the last general elections, Nelson Chamisa, launched a new political party, hoping to close the chapter of rivalries ...

Dismissal could herald regime shake-up

The firing of a minister under international sanctions may be the start of a wider-ranging reshuffle within the ruling party

The dismissal this month of security minister Owen Ncube, who earned notoriety for his ties to a militia as well as for a bloody crackdown on protestors, has prompted speculation a...

Cracks in ZANU-PF edifice

Dissidents opposing Mnangagwa’s plans for a second term are starting to organise in the ruling party

As it launched its heavily choreographed Annual National People's Conference on 29-30 October in Bindura, the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) was t...

Displaying 31-40 out of 594 results.