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Population: 16.48m
GDP: $34.41bn
Debt: 98.5% of GDP (2024)

news from Zimbabwe

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Found 594 articles.

Displaying 21-30 out of 594 results.

ZANU-PF takes a cut of the green economy

We publish exclusive details about Vice-President Chiwenga's 'bagman' and the tortuous flow of cash from mining contracts to military pockets

Lishon Chipango is sometimes called 'de facto investment manager' for Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga – critics of the regime would call him the former army chief's front...



Mnangagwa returns to (his) gold standard

After an investigation into widespread gold smuggling by officials, the government launches a bullion-backed digital currency

Several key sources in Al Jazeera's lengthy investigation into gold smuggling by officials in Zimbabwe claimed business links to President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his wife Auxilia. ...


ZANU-PF fires its electoral blunderbuss

At every level and in every institution, the ruling party is sidelining and attacking the opposition

With less than three months before national elections are due, there are multiple signs of abuses of state power by the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU...

After the gold rush

For a government so quick to accuse its opponents of malfeasance and detain them, President Emmerson Mnangagwa's team has been curiously reticent about the investigation into gold ...

At the other end of geopolitics

Zimbabwean officials were keen to play up their mutual 'outsider' status in the international community as the delegation headed by Foreign Minister Frederick Shava took in meeting...

Elite sets itself for lithium boom

The government has banned exports of the mineral and set up its own lucrative deal via a military-linked company to sell to China

With global demand for lithium soaring – prices went up more than 100% in 2022 and are expected to keep rising – Zimbabwe could be poised for a bonanza. The country's l...


Electoral commission row raises fresh doubts about poll

Rights activists, opposition politicians – and even factions within ZANU-PF – lambast the latest redrawing of electoral boundaries

The redrawing of electoral boundaries is due to be gazetted into law by 26 February despite politicians and rights groups questioning its fairness and the accuracy of the data used...

A bridge 100 metres too far

Zimbabwe failed to invest in a key trade link over the Zambezi and now that truckers are using it to avoid the country altogether, Harare wants back in

Botswana's President Mokgweetsi Masisi is happy to call himself one of Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa few friends abroad. Masisi has been outspoken in calling for western ...

The usual ZANU-PF poll win looms

Elections will take place in six months but whatever happens, ZANU-PF will prevail, as the slide into economic mayhem continues

Pre-election buzz will energise discussions about Zimbabwe's future ahead of general elections set to be held in July or August. But any sense of optimism will be short-lived as th...

Displaying 21-30 out of 594 results.