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Displaying 121-130 out of 2653 results.

Anti-corruption furore goes global

Law officers are determined to obstruct fraudbuster Martha Chizuma's investigations as foreign envoys sound a warning

The government has launched a war of attrition against the courts as it tries to stop Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director-General Martha Chizuma from investigating top politician...

Ramaphosa shuffles the reshuffle

The coming cabinet changes will show whether the President is ready to use his new political authority

After spending his first term fending off a rebellion from supporters of ousted President Jacob Zuma, President Cyril Ramaphosa should now be able to sack all those ministers and t...

Can Ramaphosa get the lights back on?

With rolling power cuts obliterating support for the ANC, the government is being pushed to act against vested interests

After four days of deliberations, on 29 January the ruling African National Congress agreed in principle to declare a national disaster in response to rolling power cuts which Pres...

Mswati digs in and defies SADC

King Mswati III remains deaf to pleas for reform despite growing pressure on him in the wake of the assassination of democracy activist and human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko in hi...

Lourenço faces a tough rebuild

An emboldened opposition and internal dissent point to hard months ahead for the President

President João Lourenço came out of last August's elections doubly weakened – by the opposition, which made historic gains despite the ruling Movimento Popular ...

Hichilema faces critical delivery test

Belts are tightening and scepticism is growing about the government's ability to fulfil its election pledges

At the present rate of progress President Hakainde Hichilema and his United Party for National Development (UPND) – elected in a landslide by voters fed up with six years of ...

Displaying 121-130 out of 2653 results.