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Displaying 111-120 out of 2653 results.

Vote-getters and loyalists predominate

The President's reshuffle prioritises next year's elections instead of addressing the economy, infrastructure and electricity emergency

After serial delays and great expectations, President Cyril Ramaphosa brought in 10 new ministers for his reshuffle on 6 March with a wary eye on next year's general elections. It ...

How money talks in national elections

A law forcing political parties to disclose their funding has cast light on cash from three local billionaires and a Russian oligarch

With national elections due to be held next year, concerns are brewing over whether donations could be used to buy influence. Africa Confidential's analysis of declarations by Sout...


Disclosure costs Maputo

The London High Court judge presiding over the civil case brought by Mozambique against Credit Suisse bank and the naval contractor Privinvest in January 2020 says that he will str...

ANC cabinet contenders step up lobbying

President Ramaphosa is using party committees to consolidate his grip ahead of national elections next year

South Africans, still buckling under the strain of crippling daily power cuts with no end in sight, are waiting for the appointment of a Minister of Electricity, announced by Presi...

Elite sets itself for lithium boom

The government has banned exports of the mineral and set up its own lucrative deal via a military-linked company to sell to China

With global demand for lithium soaring – prices went up more than 100% in 2022 and are expected to keep rising – Zimbabwe could be poised for a bonanza. The country's l...


Energy plan riles ANC factions and vested interests

The budget's debt relief for Eskom will impose targets and hasten privatisation but offers no short-term relief from power cuts

The explosive television interview by André de Ruyter, outgoing chief executive of ailing electricity utility Eskom on 21 February, which upstaged Finance Minister Enoch God...

Electoral commission row raises fresh doubts about poll

Rights activists, opposition politicians – and even factions within ZANU-PF – lambast the latest redrawing of electoral boundaries

The redrawing of electoral boundaries is due to be gazetted into law by 26 February despite politicians and rights groups questioning its fairness and the accuracy of the data used...

A bridge 100 metres too far

Zimbabwe failed to invest in a key trade link over the Zambezi and now that truckers are using it to avoid the country altogether, Harare wants back in

Botswana's President Mokgweetsi Masisi is happy to call himself one of Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa few friends abroad. Masisi has been outspoken in calling for western ...

Displaying 111-120 out of 2653 results.