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Displaying 101-110 out of 2653 results.

ZANU-PF fires its electoral blunderbuss

At every level and in every institution, the ruling party is sidelining and attacking the opposition

With less than three months before national elections are due, there are multiple signs of abuses of state power by the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU...

Nyusi runs out of road

President Filipe Nyusi's ambition to cancel the two-term presidential limit and stand in next year's general election has finally died, according to insiders in Maputo.

Western companies belatedly join critical minerals race

President Geingob's government is benefitting from international rivalry to boost lithium production

Prices and demand for Africa's reserves of lithium, a key component in rechargeable batteries, are soaring as the world car industry shifts towards producing electric vehicles with...

Writing the next act

A new player steps on to the stage vowing to disrupt the status quo ahead of elections next year

Rise Mzansi, the brainchild of Songezo Zibi and allies, was launched with some grandeur on Johannesburg's Constitution Hill – home to the Constitutional Court and a symbol of...

What is behind Masisi's gem deal?

Citing resource control, the President is joining with a Belgian start-up diamond trader to challenge the De Beers empire

After 54 years in mining diamonds and 10 years in trading them, Botswana is moving downstream in the business by taking a 24% stake in Belgium's HB Antwerp, a diamond trading, cutt...

Doubts greet the DA's 'moonshot' coalition

Light on policy, the biggest opposition party will have to work harder to beat the African National Congress

Just three days after John Steenhuisen, newly re-elected leader of the opposition Democratic Alliance, announced a 'moonshot pact' with other parties ahead of the 2024 elections, t...

After the gold rush

For a government so quick to accuse its opponents of malfeasance and detain them, President Emmerson Mnangagwa's team has been curiously reticent about the investigation into gold ...

Now it’s Ramaphosa central

After four years of balancing factions in the ruling ANC, the President is concentrating power in his office

It was a more upbeat and energised Cyril Ramaphosa that took on critics this month complaining that he consulted too much and took too long to make decisions. Pointing out that he ...

At the other end of geopolitics

Zimbabwean officials were keen to play up their mutual 'outsider' status in the international community as the delegation headed by Foreign Minister Frederick Shava took in meeting...

Displaying 101-110 out of 2653 results.