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Displaying 131-140 out of 2653 results.

The usual ZANU-PF poll win looms

Elections will take place in six months but whatever happens, ZANU-PF will prevail, as the slide into economic mayhem continues

Pre-election buzz will energise discussions about Zimbabwe's future ahead of general elections set to be held in July or August. But any sense of optimism will be short-lived as th...

Lithium scramble offers temptation

As firms from east and west scramble for hugely valuable lithium deposits, mining ministry officials are investigated for alleged bribe-taking

Lithium was the break-out commodity of 2022, with the price of this key ingredient in electric vehicle batteries soaring by 1,000% since 2020 to US$82,000 per tonne in December. Es...

President's fate rests with party

After months of horse-trading and under the shadow of another corruption scandal, the ANC will decide this week on who will lead the party and country

The African National Congress's long-awaited 55th elective conference kicks off on 16 December after a week of political turmoil and crippling rolling blackouts. Cyril Ramaphosa wi...

Geingob's successor to inherit a divided SWAPO

Two female ruling party veterans are front-runners in the race to be the party's flag-bearer in the 2024 elections and halt the slide in the popular vote

Seven hundred delegates attend the seventh elective congress of the SWAPO Party in Windhoek on 25-27 November to elect the party's next vice-president and successor to President Ha...

Chakwera's travels and travails

There's no let-up in popular anger with the President's trips abroad, while the government mends fences with the IMF

Nobody was surprised to see President Lazarus Chakwera's motorcade loudly booed as it swooped past motorists languishing in long queues for scarce petrol on the weekend of 3-4 Nove...

Conference countdown sharpens ANC contest

President Ramaphosa's backers worry that his chances of a second term are weakened by the 'Farmgate' saga which his rivals are exploiting

In front of the cameras the comrades beamed. Yet several senior African National Congress officials say that President Cyril Ramaphosa's position is weakening and don't rule out 'a...

Displaying 131-140 out of 2653 results.