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news by category: Britain

Found 144 articles.

Displaying 41-50 out of 144 results.

You say Morocco

The British personal injury and negligence law firm Leigh Day is preparing judicial review proceedings against Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) over claims that Morocco is ...

What the ballot papers say

The London trial of three senior staff and an agent of British printers Smith & Ouzman (S&O) is causing concern in Kenya. The defendants deny paying £400,000 (US$630,...

Bribery trial

Three staff and one agent of a British company which printed ballot papers for several African elections are on trial in London accused of corruptly obtaining contracts in Kenya, G...

Don't look now

The High Court in London ruled late last month that the hearing on the law firm Dechert's disputed bill to Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation should be held behind closed doors...

The ripples of OPL 245

Police and regulators are still investigating the consequences of Chief Dan Etete awarding himself an oil licence

The Metropolitan Police's Proceeds of Corruption Unit (POCU) in London has confirmed to Africa Confidential that it is investigating allegations of money laundering through Britain...

Justine Greening

International Development Secretary, Britain

International Development Secretary Justine Greening took British companies on an investment tour of Tanzania and told them that the London government must emulate Beijing if Briti...

Diplomatic diversions

After President Kenyatta’s brief encounter with British Premier Cameron, both are preparing for more trouble over the International Criminal Court cases

President Uhuru Kenyatta’s three-day visit to London and meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron this week mark a considerable diplomatic victory for his new government. ...

Hassan Sheikh at the wheel

This year’s conference was more about pledging funds for reconstruction than summoning the world to applaud a stunning success

London’s Somalia Conference arrived with a little less fanfare this year. The press conference was held in a smaller room, the United States Secretary of State and most African hea...

Displaying 41-50 out of 144 results.