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news by category: Britain

Found 144 articles.

Displaying 71-80 out of 144 results.

Bankrupt asylum policy

Asylum-seekers in Britain will find it still harder to win their cases following the closure of the biggest advice charity, Refugee and Migrant Justice, which ran out of money this...

Welcome to London

Britain’s Metropolitan Police have told Africa Confidential that they are confident they will secure the extradition of Nigeria’s former Delta State Governor James Ibori from Dubai...

Dangote is a Gooner

The eagerness of the United States-based private equity firm Blackstone to talk up the value of Nina Bracewell Smith’s 16% stake in Arsenal Football Club may have prompted Nigerian...

CDC goes offshore

A mining company in which the British government is the biggest shareholder is using Mauritius-registered front companies to avoid paying millions of dollars in taxes on its minera...

Death of a Sudanese activist

British police are investigating whether the murder of Sudanese human rights activist Abdel Salam Hassan Abdel Salam in south London on the night of 12-13 March was political or pu...

BAE Systems refunds fraud

BAE Systems could face another round of legal problems on its arms contracts in Africa, Eastern Europe and Saudi Arabia following an injunction obtained by British lobbyists Corner...

Protection in the arms bazaar

A plea bargain deal in the UK and USA has set back investigations into arms trade crookery in South Africa and Tanzania

The US$450 million in fines that BAE Systems agreed to pay on 5 February to halt investigations into corrupt payments on arms deals adds to its financial woes. And it covers only p...

Britain and bribes in Ghana

Britain used to enjoy a reputation for relative decency in matters of bribes and commissions, in comparison to European counterparts such as France, Germany and Italy. That has cha...

Britain's demanding ally in Tripoli

Britain's release of convicted terrorist Abdelbaset al Megrahi has prompted widespread criticism (especially from Washington), but Whitehall officials judged it worth the price o...

Displaying 71-80 out of 144 results.