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Displaying 1-10 out of 2329 results.

Central bank fights to slow inflation and protect its independence

Within a year bank governor Yemi Cardoso has won a reputation for competence – despite the government’s mounting economic woes and dislike of accountability

As spiralling prices hit a 30-year high and the weakening naira triggers another round of protests and strikes due to start on 1 August, the Central Bank of Nigeria has raised its ...

Coming soon – a month of rage

The government announces a $1 billion anti-poverty programme and monitors activists as its tries to pre-empt Kenya-style protests

Sitting atop a 120-foot telecommunications mast in Abuja and threatening to jump, unemployed labourer Shuaibu Yushau refused to come down until the government addressed the economi...

A hunter in aviation

Burkina Faso’s national airline, Air Burkina, has struggled for more than a decade. But instead of saving West Africa’s oldest airline, the junta of Captain Ibrahim Tra...

The juntas dig in as instability worsens

Burkina’s leader Captain Traoré wants five more years in power but his army is losing badly against the jihadis

The standing of Burkina Faso’s transitional leader Captain Ibrahim Traoré, who seized power in September, has hit a new low. But public opinion is the least of his woe...

Tinubu’s government braces for Kenya-style protests

As anger grows over worsening living conditions and grand corruption, state security battens down the hatches

The mass protests in Kenya which forced William Ruto’s government to scrap US$2.4 billion of tax hikes, albeit after 20 citizens lost their lives, have prompted calls for act...

Growth boost may speed up debt accord

Accra has sent proposals to commercial creditors holding $13 billion of bonds after IMF confirms higher industrial outturn

A few more lights are flickering at the other end of Ghana’s US$44 billion debt tunnel. First, the country’s gross domestic product grew 4.7% in the first quarter of th...


Bolloré back

France’s Parquet national financier (PNF), the national agency for prosecuting financial crime, has referred the Breton billionaire and media magnate Vincent Bolloré f...

Turkey’s power boost

The government has signed concessions to operate its airport and a large power plant with Turkey’s FB Group, prompting speculation about Ankara’s geopolitical ambitions...

Battle for presidency splits the Kano emirate

Political alliances for the 2027 elections are fuelling the contest for the traditional leadership of Kano

Two emirs are laying claim to the throne of the Kano Emirate – a 220-year-old stool. On the surface it is just a battle of two cousins but behind the scenes it is a war betwe...

Displaying 1-10 out of 2329 results.