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Displaying 11-20 out of 2329 results.

Patrice Talon tests strength of General Tiani’s junta

Vitriol flows both ways as hopes fade of a speedy end to the fight between Niamey and Cotonou

The arrest of five Nigérien oil technicians in Benin at the beginning of June has sparked accusations of ‘kidnapping’ and ‘hostage-taking’ from Gener...

Talon flirts with a third term

Fighting with the Niger junta over oil exports, the President is mulling constitutional changes

Facing the challenges of succession or a high-risk bid for a third term, President Patrice Talon has been buffeted by the junta-versus-civilian-regime rivalries playing out in West...

    Vol 65 No 12 |
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Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

In power since 2005, Faure Gnassingbé has changed the constitution to give him unlimited executive power

In a West Africa where Bassirou Diomaye Faye's presidential election victory in Senegal and the wave of military coups have shown that change is possible, President Faure Gnassingb...

Tinubu weighs politics vs competence

After a bumpy year, the President will have to sack some of his worst ministers and reshuffle others

As he prepares to mark a year in office, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has received a scorecard from his Political Advisor, Hadiza Bala Usman, which contains an evaluation of 45 mini...

Playing off rivals

São Tomé's leaders have played down the political significance of their new military cooperation agreement with Russia, signed by Defence Minister Jorge Amado in St P...

Faye's diplomatic rounds

A stark contrast in diplomatic style and messaging has been on display from Senegal's new leadership duo over recent days.

Crypto cross words

Top cryptocurrency platform Binance is accused of tax evasion, currency speculation and money laundering by Abuja

Officials in Abuja say that Binance, an online platform to trade cryptocurrencies, came close to destroying what is now only Africa's third largest economy by facilitating money la...


The juntas are running out of excuses

Populist rhetoric and ethnic targeting by the military regimes are deepening the region's fault-lines

The lean season in the Sahel this year is starting under the toughest economic and political conditions for generations. Mali and Burkina Faso have been baked by a record-breaking ...

HYPREP's no-shows

Ogoni activists say most of the companies contracted by the Hydrocarbon Pollution Remediation Project (HYPREP) to carry out remediation work on disastrously polluted Ogoniland have...

Displaying 11-20 out of 2329 results.