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news by category: Africa

Found 841 articles.

Displaying 271-280 out of 841 results.

Calling Trumpsville

Washington's radical changes in policy and alignments are starting to hit African governments and economies

Until the outgoing Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, told the organisation's summit in Addis Ababa on 30 January that the United States' travel b...


Global shocks, local differences

Smaller countries outpace giants such as Nigeria and South Africa but progress on regional integration and industrialisation is lacking

Economic conditions in Africa this year might best be symbolised by the new railway boom, over a century after the failure of a colonial plan for a route between Cairo and Cape Tow...


Paris sends Sahel signal

With US policy on Africa still a cipher and the UK in retreat from Europe, France reaffirms its security commitments in the region

More than 30 African leaders meet today (13 January) in Bamako, marking President François Hollande's farewell to the continent and a restatement of France's commitment to fight j...

Funds to remain

The European Union last week launched a multi-billion euro Africa investment vehicle – with a stronger private investment element – in another bid to improve living sta...

The General's identity crisis

After a dramatic arrest in Khartoum there are doubts about whether British and Italian police have got the right man

The mystery surrounding the identity of the Eritrean 'people-smuggler' arrested in Khartoum and deported to Italy shows the difficulty of unravelling smuggling networks. Is the man...

Tighter rules on war booty

European Union importers face tougher restrictions on conflict minerals after a deal was finally struck on 15 June. Due diligence checks, conducted according to Organisation for Ec...

Xenophobia on the rise

Human rights activists are seeing violence against foreigners turning up in unexpected places

Lusaka has long been known for welcoming foreigners and for the enlightened views of its leaders on outsiders and refugees. So, when Rwandan shops and other properties came under v...

The long arm of Al Qaida

Last month's bombings in Ouagadougou could signal a much bigger campaign of attacks in Africa

Al Qaida's military-security chief Seif el Adel is suspected by Western security experts of having played a key role in the bombing of the Splendid Hotel and the Café Cappuc...

After the 'rising' – now reform and realism

The new year started with a host of commodity price crashes, runs on currencies and warnings about mounting debts

Bankers' bets, based on glossy analytical reports about Africa's lion economies and a doubling of its gross domestic product by 2025, were discreetly torn up last year. In their pl...


Displaying 271-280 out of 841 results.