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news by category: Economy

Found 103 articles.

Displaying 41-50 out of 103 results.

Struggling to keep pace

The high priests of world finance say African economies are falling short of the growth needed to keep up with surging populations

Although the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank maintain that Africa's economies will, on average, expand faster during 2018 than last year, both Washington DC institutions have...

Sounding the alarms on debt

Governments see hopeful growth prospects at risk as lenders impose new strictures and borrowing costs rise

Threats of a rapid and unsustainable build-up of debt could disrupt the prospects for growth in many African economies,* according to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank....

Two steps forward…

Earnings may increase but sluggish growth looms for the continent's big players and the danger of a debt crunch is increasing

Economies across Africa will grow haltingly, by about 3% on average in 2018 and 3.5% in 2019, according to the latest World Bank forecasts. And the International Monetary...


Afro optimism loses momentum

With some exceptions in Ghana and East Africa, economies are not keeping pace with population growth

Hopes that the African Development Bank (AfDB) might maintain its recent 'Afro-optimism' were temporarily subdued on 12 October when the bank reduced its 2017 growth forecast for African...

The great growth divide

With its biggest economies in the doldrums, the continent's fortunes will improve only slowly, say international financial institutions

The sharp division that has opened between Africa's mega-economies, such as Nigeria, South Africa and Egypt, and the much smaller but more dynamic ones, such as Côte d'Ivoire,...

Global shocks, local differences

Smaller countries outpace giants such as Nigeria and South Africa but progress on regional integration and industrialisation is lacking

Economic conditions in Africa this year might best be symbolised by the new railway boom, over a century after the failure of a colonial plan for a route...


After the 'rising' – now reform and realism

The new year started with a host of commodity price crashes, runs on currencies and warnings about mounting debts

Bankers' bets, based on glossy analytical reports about Africa's lion economies and a doubling of its gross domestic product by 2025, were discreetly torn up last year. In...


Currency crunch

It will take more than devaluation to shield economies from tougher market conditions and political risks

There is a strong sense of déjà vu in the policy dilemmas that African governments face as national currencies weaken and national debts mount. Three decades ago, emissaries...

A year of decisions after a decade of growth

As China slows down and the US dollar strengthens, will African governments try to diversify and industrialise their economies?

Africa, with its 1.2 billion people, will again be the continent that achieves the fastest economic growth this year but its monied cheerleaders will have pause for thought...


Making the best of the boom

The challenge this year is to convert a decade of faster growth into jobs and higher living standards as political tensions rise in the biggest economies

The International Monetary Fund’s projection that Sub-Saharan Africa’s gross domestic product growth should be over 6% in 2014, compared to average Asian growth of over 5%, is an...


Displaying 41-50 out of 103 results.