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news from Russia

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Found 68 articles.

Displaying 51-60 out of 68 results.

Bamako and Moscow defy Paris

The Malian foreign minister's trip to Moscow will be read as a slap in Paris's face as the junta deepens relations with President Putin's government

The visit by Mali's Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop to Moscow on 11 November flies in the face of French government complaints about Russia's state-backed mercenaries and their allied...

Fertilise this

Morocco is close to agreeing a new trade deal with the European Union, less than a year after the European Court of Justice ruled that its existing pact...

Moscow abhors a vacuum

France's failures in CAR opened the door to Russia. Now, Paris wants to win back a central role, but the government is hostile and the Kremlin has plans

The visit of the French foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, to Bangui at the beginning of November was supposed to signal Paris's decisive re-engagement with its former territory....

Guns, gas and nukes

Guns, gas and nuclear cooperation were among the goodies offered by Russian Prime Minister Dimitry Medvedev in a 72-hour tour of Algiers and Rabat between 9 and 11...

Museveni gets his refinery

Doubts surround both the Russian contract and the supposed benefit and even viability of the oil discoveries

A Russian state company under European Union sanctions has won the contract to build an oil refinery on the shore of Lake Albert. The contract is symptomatic of...

Nuclear secrets

A US$50 billion agreement with Russia to build up to eight nuclear reactors has raised the alarm in South Africa about the speed and secrecy with which the...

Arms-for-platinum deal

The governing ZANU-PF has found a way to trade platinum rights for Russian weapons to replace those it lost in Congo

Zimbabwe is to boost its inventory of Russian strike aircraft after concluding a US$3 billion platinum-for-arms deal with Russia. The government is desperate to replenish its armaments, many...

Displaying 51-60 out of 68 results.