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Population: 37.37m
GDP: $152.38bn
Debt: 70.4% GDP (2024)

news from Morocco

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Found 125 articles.

Displaying 31-40 out of 125 results.

Marred meeting of minds

Relations warmed by green policies and economic management are undermined by Rabat's jailing of dissidents

Fresh from being elevated to the Legion of Merit by Donald Trump for his 'Abraham Accords' policy of normalisation with Israel, King Mohammed VI has reason to be concerned by a Dem...

The King's quiet gong

Not all Moroccans were delighted when one of Donald Trump's very last actions as United States president was to award a rare Legion of Merit, Degree Chief Commander, to King Mohamm...

Recovery and resistance

The election is just one of the challenges facing a palace beset by protest over relations with Israel and the pandemic’s effects

The Palace seems to be managing social tensions arising from the economic fallout of Covid-19 and coping with the widespread distaste for the kingdom's restoration of diplomatic re...

King reaps Saharan dividend

Rabat has secured a big diplomatic win by restoring relations with Israel, but also faces new risks

This summer, King Mohammed VI (M6) told United States presidential son-in-law and Middle East envoy Jared Kushner that Morocco would need a very big reward for restoring diplomatic...

Gunfight ends 30-year calm

Polisario's efforts to stymie Morocco's growing trans-African trade may have yielded more results than decades of talk

While Morocco was congratulating itself on persuading an emerging regional power, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), to open a consulate in El Ayoun (known to Moroccans as Laâyoune), ...

Terms of re-engagement

Normalise relations with Israel and compensate the victims of Al Qaida terrorism was the straightforward message from United States Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, to Sudan's Prim...

King takes charge

In the first week of Morocco's lockdown, King Mohammed VI ordered a show of force his late father King Hassan II would have approved, calling troops and tanks onto the streets of m...

Territorial armies

An unresolved but dormant decolonisation dispute risks flaring up into renewed violence, threatening a 29-year-old ceasefire

Forty-five years into the conflict over Western Sahara, Morocco remains implacable in its determination to retain what it argues is its historical sovereignty over the disputed for...

Displaying 31-40 out of 125 results.